Chapter 168 • Finale (GEORGE)

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Includes strong language and death.

❥Disclaimer: This chapter is over 8K words. So I recommend reading when you have plenty of time😭✋🏼Get a snack, some water and enjoy :)

• 2 Months Later •

-Y/N's POV-
Ever since that night where I argued with my friends, we haven't spoken nor seen each other once.

None of us said a word, but we knew we weren't friends anymore.

After my fight with George, I was afraid to talk to him. Me getting upset with him for not telling me about our past, plus my past with my friends, along with my enemy, and him getting upset with me for not telling him that our best friend tried ending his life, that argument made a stick in the road appear in our friendship. It was tainted.

I knew that if we spoke again, the outcome wouldn't change. Especially because my memories never returned this summer. I did everything I could, but it wouldn't work.

They were gone.

I hated my brain every single day for not remembering my life with my friends. I knew that if I could just remember, everything would be the way it was. Except, it wouldn't be. Either way, whether I lost my memory or not, things would be different. I wasn't ready for that. Maybe senior year me was ready, but I was certainly not.

I wasn't ready to say goodbye to my friends, I wasn't ready to go to college, I wasn't ready to date one of them.

Unfortunately, life doesn't care if you're not ready for something. It puts you under intense pressure and you're just left there, feeling helpless to do anything except cry, which is what I did for the first month of summer.

My fight with George left me feeling angry at him. He didn't tell me the truth. The fact that he told everyone not to tell me that I was in a love triangle with my best friends, plus my enemy, made me furious.

I deserved to know.

But, his feelings were valid, and I learned that. He was worried about his best friend. It was normal for him to have that reaction. I also realized that he was just trying to protect me. He knew the pain that I went through this year. Unfortunately, he knew more than I did.

Of course, I was worried about Clay too, but there wasn't much I could do when our feelings for each other weren't mutual anymore.

And my fight with Nick was out of pure jealously. I was jealous that he met someone else. I always thought he'd get a girlfriend after high school. But I never thought he'd get a boyfriend in high school, especially while he was practically dating me.

I had no problem with being poly, I had a problem with not being informed about this information. After all, I've liked him for a whole year now. During that year, I felt distant from him, because I was afraid that he didn't return my feelings, but deep down, he did.

And nobody told me.

Even my best friend who I thought I could rely on couldn't tell me. I was wrong. I couldn't rely on George, and that was a hard pill to swallow, because I always felt like I could.

His hugs were one of the only things that made me feel better, they fixed everything. Even though he had trouble expressing his feelings, I knew by his smile and the spark in his eyes, the softness of his voice, that he loved me, even if he didn't say it directly.

Everything changed so fast in my life, and I wasn't aware of any of it. I felt lost, alone.

And no one cared.

No one tried understanding what I was going through. They painted me as the bad guy, especially Wilbur and George.

Wilbur called me a bitch and got angry with me for not having my memories return, like I could control that. I already didn't trust him that much, but the fact that he couldn't understand why I was acting the way I did, was frustrating.

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