Chapter 127 • IDC

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Includes strong language.

• 1 Week Later •

-Y/N's POV-
Last week, instead of going to school, my parents paid for me to go to therapy and honestly, I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would.

Of course, there were some moments where I cried, like when I spoke about everything Mr. Jay put me and my sister through, but it felt amazing to have someone to talk to all of my problems to, without worrying if I was being too much for them.

Plus, my therapist is super nice. Her name is Maia. She understands me, is patient with me, is kind and gives me great advice, along with some words that I really need to hear.

I've been going to her office every day for an hour, then coming home to hang out with my family for the rest of the day. Along with doing homework I missed.

I had a talk with my father this week about what he told my friends and honestly, I was thankful for what he did. A week ago, I would've been furious about what he did, but now, I'm more self-aware. I'm starting to learn that my needs need to come before anyone else's. Not in a selfish way, but in a way of walking away when something isn't benefiting me for the better.

Now it is Monday morning once again. The only difference is today, I will be going back to school for the first time in a week.

My family has put me on a schedule now. I would go to school, speak with my friends only if I wanted to, do my clubs, then head home, do my homework then spend time with my family for the rest of the night. Then do the same thing all over again the next day. Except on weekends, I'd have therapy again on Sunday's.

Honestly, I was glad someone else created a schedule for me. Since my own scheduling clearly caused more harm than good.

This morning, I curled my hair like usual, applied my makeup then got dressed.

Instead of wearing all black, a little spark emerged in me.

So, I wore this:

Once I was done getting ready, I glanced at myself in the mirror then headed downstairs to meet my family

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Once I was done getting ready, I glanced at myself in the mirror then headed downstairs to meet my family.

When I made it down there, I stopped and stared at my family near the stairs. Each of them were staring at me nervously, wondering whether I was going to talk to them or not, for the first time in a while on a school morning.

"Good morning, honey..." She lightly smiled behind the kitchen island.

"Morning..." I lightly smiled back then started to walk away when I stopped.

I slowly turned back around, then went to the kitchen island to grab an apple for breakfast instead of nothing.

My family watched me as their smiles became bigger. I began to smile back at them the same way.

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