Chapter 92 • Reckless

502 21 19

Includes strong language and blood.

-Y/N's POV-
It all happened so quickly. One minute, I was barely awake, unable to see my environment clearly, the next, I was unconscious. By the time I came to, I heard faint sirens, I saw blue and red lights in front of me, and worried neighbors outside their houses, watching everything. I leaned my head down to see myself hauled onto a gurney by people in uniform.

"Everything will be okay, honey, just keep your eyes open." I heard a woman speak.

I gently lifted my head to see the face of the person talking to me. My vision was blurred, but I could see that her hair was dark, medium length. I blinked slowly, trying to do what she asked. I was out of it completely.

My eyes swept the entire region, confused by what was going on. My sight was so blurred, I couldn't see anything. I blinked several times to try fixing it. It worked a bit because my vision cleared and soon, I saw a white car, completely shattered and broken. The front of it looked as if it ran into a brick wall.

"Sir—" I heard a faint voice say.

Suddenly, I felt a breeze and someone grabbed my hand tightly. I shot my head weakly to the person.

"I'm so sorry—" He said breathlessly with a worried expression.

I blinked a few more times as my eyebrows squished together at him, my vision became clearer.

"Dear, I'm sorry, but we need to get her transported." She spoke to him.

"C—Can I ride with her?"

"Are you family?"

"I—I'm..." He looked at me again with guilt and sadness, "I'm her boyfriend—"

My expression softened at him and soon, I realized who he was.

"Wilbur..." I said weakly while holding his hand back.

"I'm here, Y/N—" He followed the woman as her and others transported me into the ambulance.

Wilbur jumped to sit next to me, always holding my hand. My eyes scanned his face, trying to figure out what happened. That's when I saw a huge cut on the side of his temple. My eyes expanded with worry.

"Wilbur, you're bleeding—" I spoke quietly due to how weak I felt.

"I'm fine—" He shook his head while taking deep breaths to calm himself down.

"What happened...?"

Wilbur swallowed strongly as he frowned while squishing his brows together in sorrow and guilt.

"It's a long story... I'll tell you when I know you're okay..."

I nodded hesitantly, my eyes began shutting.

"Y—Y/N—please stay awake—" He looked even more worried as he raised his voice, cupping my cheek with his other hand.

The woman in front said a few words to Wilbur, as well as the other staff. Wilbur let go of me, so they could help me. When he let go, I closed my eyes, and I became unconscious again.


I slowly opened my eyes. The first thing I heard was the beeper monitor beside me. When I came to, my vision was still blurry. After blinking a few times, it returned fully to normal. My eyebrows squished together as I gazed around the room, being confused as to why I was in the hospital and what happened.

I quickly came to realize my head was pounding. I wailed slightly, then put my hand over my head to feel a wrap around, making me start to panic.

Suddenly, the door opened, making me jerk my head to the right to see Wilbur. Once I did, I immediately experienced dizziness and neck pain, causing me to close my eyes. He immediately approached me and sat at my side.

"Take it easy..." He said nervously.

After taking a few deep breaths, I slowly opened my eyes to meet his gaze.

"What happened...??" I whispered from being weak.

He swallowed hard at the sheet while clenching his jaw with a frown.

"It was my fault..." He spoke lowly, "I had a panic attack and chose to drive anyway because I just wanted to escape...I crashed into you and Clay..."

My eyes widened as my heart dropped. I completely forgot all about Clay.

"Is he okay??" I raised my voice a little.

Wilbur nodded with hesitation looking at the cloth, biting his lip, looking slightly more nervous and guilty. I breathed with relief and let my shoulders fall.

"The doctor said you have a concussion, but you'll be okay..." He met my eyes again, "I'm glad you didn't end up worse... I'm sorry for doing this to you..."

"It's couldn't help it if you had a panic attack..." I said quietly, "What was it about...?"

Slight tears immediately filled Wilbur's eyes as he pressed his lips together. It looked like all of his anxieties rose.

"Minx told me that...she's pregnant..."

My expression dropped along with my heart. I inhaled sharply while staring him down with disbelief and shock.

"You weren't careful??"

"I was, but apparently that's not enough—" He frowned in defeat.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. One of my crushes got another girl pregnant. The thing is, that could've been me. If I really went forward with having sex with Wilbur when I wanted to, I could've ended up like Minx, knocked up at eighteen when I didn't want to be. It was now that it hit me of one of the main reasons why I wanted to wait until marriage.

I couldn't look away from him with a shocked expression. I was quiet for a minute, lost in my mind, as he seemed nervous.

"I don't know what to do..." He released a shaky breath, "I didn't think this would ever happen to me..."

I swallowed hard as tears filled my eyes all the way to him as I frowned whilst biting into my cheek.

"Now you know one of the reasons why I wanted to wait..." I clenched my jaw at him.

"It's different...obviously I don't want to be a dad right now but...if it were you that I was doing it with..." He thought hard for a moment, "I would be okay with it would be you..."

"Well, I wouldn't be cool with it..." I snapped, "Wilbur, this is...awful..."

"I know..." He whispered in defeat.

"Is she...going to keep it...?" I asked nervously.

"I don't know, but... I think she wants to..."

I shut my eyes and leaned back onto the pillow while glaring at the ceiling.

"I'm so sorry for everything Y/N..." His tears collapsed down his cheeks right when mine did.

I nodded slowly at the ceiling while pressing my lips together.

"If only that meant something to me..."

Wilbur rubbed his mouth with his palm, frowning at me as more tears filled his eyes.

"Do you want me to leave...?"

" my family and friends...get me the people who won't disappoint me..." I whispered as another tear slipped down my cheek onto the sheet.

He nodded slowly and arose. When he turned around, his new tears collapsed on his cheeks. He quickly wiped them away then left, slamming the door behind him. Once he left, my lip quivered as my face squished together. I held myself tightly while closing my eyes.

My future with Wilbur was ruined, all because of his mistakes. I obviously didn't know who I wanted to end up with, but now, I know that I can't count on Wilbur. Everyone was right...he's just a dumbass who only cares about himself and sex. I was a fool to trust him.

And so, I waited patiently alone in the dark room, clutching myself in my arms and imagining that it was my friends.

❥Thanks for reading!
Final word count: 1345

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