Chapter 52 • Backseat

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Includes strong language.

-Y/N's POV-
I stayed with Clay for a little while longer until he was ready to go back to his club.

After school, the two of us met up at the front. When we did, I immediately wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. He was surprised at first and froze but shortly embraced my hug back.

"Could we not tell George and Nick yet...?"

"Of course," I tilted my head up to meet his eyes as I kept my arms around him, "It's your business, I won't say anything."

His lips slowly curled up.

"Thank you..."

I smiled back.

We stared at each other for a few moments without saying anything while feeling safe in each others embrace.

A clear of a throat knocked us out of our trance. The two of us jerked our heads to the right to see George and Nick staring at us side by side.

"You guys okay?" He clenched his jaw.

I quickly let go of Clay.

"Yeah...just...cold." I lied with a light smile.

George narrowed his eyes at me.

"Let's get going." He nervously smiled while clasping his hands together.

I nodded quickly then we began walking away while they followed.

When we made it to the car, the 4 of us hopped in. Once we got buckled up, Clay started the car.

"So um...Y/N and I have a project for Chemistry that we're gonna do today and we need to focus so, we can't hangout with you guys..." he lied.

George narrowed his eyes at the back of Clay's head while Nick stared at me. I nodded quickly.

"I need to be dropped off at someone else's house today...I'll text you the address..." he mumbled while grabbing his phone out from his pocket.

"Okay." He nodded and began driving away.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw George texting that Tina person with the heart again, making my jaw clench.

"Is he going to hangout with her? Ugh of course he is. How did he even meet her?" I thought as my eyes trailed out the window.

First, Clay dropped Nick off at his house. Then after some time, Clay turned into the richest neighborhood in our town. The grass had no bald spots, it was greener than ever and there were sprinklers going off everywhere, along with sculpted bushes.

"How rich is your friend?? Jesus—" his eyes widened too as he drove through the neighborhood.

George's lips slightly curled up as he looked out the window at the mansion looking houses.

When we turned the corner, Clay parked in front of the biggest house in the neighborhood.

"Thanks for the ride." He grabbed his backpack and swung it over his shoulder.

"Your friend lives here??"

"Yep. Bye." He lightly smiled and waved then climbed out of the car.

He shut the door then jogged to the front door up the tall, thick driveway.

Clay's eyes gazed to the time on the car clock. He sighed with a frown.

"It's time..."

I frowned then unbuckled my seatbelt and climbed in the front seat. Clay slightly wheezed as I sat down and fixed my hair.

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