Chapter 135 • Helping

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Includes strong language.

-Y/N's POV-
I didn't know why, but all throughout Ms. Erikson's class, I was thinking about my make out session with Nick yesterday. I kept imagining how his lips felt on mine, and how good it felt to be under him like that.

For the first time in my whole life, I was having dirty thoughts about my best friend. And I wasn't sure if I was mad about it or not.

I moved my hand on my lip to my cheek, trying to focus on Ms. Erikson's lesson, but all I could focus on was how hot my cheeks were, I knew I was blushing hard.

I definitely wanted to spend the night at his house tonight. It felt like we haven't done that in a while, and I missed him. I also missed his lips on mine, but we won't talk about that.

Eventually, class ended and once it did, I stood up, packed my belongings away then waved goodbye to Clay. Soon, I made my way to Math.

Instead of having dirty thoughts about Nick, my focus switched to George still not giving me permission to go on a date with Wilbur, making my blush fade away.

Of course, I wanted to go on a date with Wilbur. But right now, I kind of just wanted to go with the flow with my friends.

Once I walked into the classroom, I spotted George in his seat, speaking to Darryl and Jack. My feet guided me and shortly, they noticed me and said hello.

We didn't have much time to talk. Our teacher came in and began teaching immediately, which I was all for since I wanted to see Nick again.

Thankfully, class flew by like a breeze. I didn't hesitate to practically sprint out of the classroom. After all, I was excited to see my hubby.

After a few minutes, I made it to History class. I zoomed in and spotted Nick immediately. I went to him, wrapped my arms around his shoulders and squeezed him tightly. He giggled while holding my arms.

"Someone's happy to see me." He smiled.

"You have no idea." I let go to sit down in my seat next to him, "Could I spend the night tonight?"

He raised his eyebrows, being surprised.

"Yeah of course." His lips curled up farther.

"Good. After school, you're mine." I grinned, making him blush with another giggle.

Soon, Mr. Cohen walked in and greeted us. After a few moments, class began.

All throughout the class, I stared at Nick every chance I could get. And once Mr. Cohen's back was turned, I passed a piece of folded paper onto Nick's desk, resulting in him opening it to read what I wrote.

• NOTE •
I want this school day to pass by so badly so we can go to your house and have time alone
You look hot asf today btw :)
You know what that means /hj

Nick read my note and glanced over at me with the biggest blush. He tried concealing a giggle as he grinned hard. I couldn't help but smirk, seeing his reaction. Shortly, my hubby wrote back, passing the piece of paper back to me.

• NOTE •
Let me guess, you want to make out again? xD
And thank you :) you look hot asf today too wifey <3

I replied with a blush, then passed it back.

• NOTE •
Ofc I wanna make out again is that even a question-
Ty for the compliment hubby, but you're hotter :>
Stg I want a time machine to skip forward in time bruh

The two of us passed notes back and forth all throughout the class. Mr. Cohen didn't notice once.

• NOTE •
You're so obsessed with me today xD
Not that I'm complaining :)
I'll build us a time machine dw wifey I gotchu

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