Chapter 43 • Initials

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Includes strong language and blood.

-Y/N's POV-
Once the 4 of us were done eating our lunch, George suggested that we split off into teams of who can find the coolest items in the woods. After all, he was a collector of nature.

Clay wanted to side with George so that left me and Nick together.

Shortly, we split off into different directions to try finding the coolest items.

Nick and I walked together throughout the woods. I couldn't help but admire the beautiful scenery.

While we strolled throughout the forest, my eyes fell to one of the trees. Once I saw what was on it, I gasped while stopping, holding Nick's arm.

"What?" His eyebrows squished together as he stopped.

"It's still here!" I smiled widely then ran over to the tree.

Nick followed me shortly.

Written on the tree was the initials (Y/I) and N, and surrounded the letters was a heart.

"That was such a fun day." I smiled warmly at the artwork on the tree.

I blushed hard with a grin while staring at the tree, remembering.


Y/N and I were hand and hand, running through the forest. Her lit up sneakers shined on the dead leaves surrounding the grass.

"C'mon hubby! We need to find the perfect tree!" Her high pitched voice spoke.

I giggled.

Finally, we stopped in front of a specific tree. She gasped while squeezing my hand.

"This is perfect!"

7 year old Y/N grabbed a small blade from her pocket, making my eyes widen.

"Where'd you get that??"

"From my dad's cabinet." She smiled, "I wanted to carve our names in the tree like the movie!"

"Oh..." my cheeks heated up as my eyes widened more.

My crush began carving her initial into the tree while tilting her head and sticking her tongue out as she focused, making me smile fondly at her. Once she was done with her initial, she drew a plus sign after, then handed the blade to me, I raised my eyebrows in response.

"Write an N."

I nodded then took a breath out as I leaned the side of my hand against the tree. I carved my initial next to the plus sign as best as I could. When I was done, Y/N opened her palm, making me set the blade in her hand again.

Once she grasped the blade, she carved a heart surrounding our initials. My eyebrows rose as I smiled widely with a hardcore blush at it.

"Perfect." She smiled then squeezed my hand.

I squeezed her hand back while looking her face up and down, admiring her.


Her smile widened then she slipped the blade back into her pocket.


"Anyways, let's find some cool stuff so we can beat Gay." She giggled.

"What?" I got knocked out of my memory.

"Gay. You know, Clay and George mixed together, creates Gay." She bursted out laughing, making me laugh too.

"Wow, I never thought of that."

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