Chapter 32 • Panic

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Includes strong language.

-Y/N's POV-
I fell asleep in Nicole's bed while gripping her journal to my chest. When I woke up, it was light outside. My eyes trailed down to the journal, realizing this wasn't some horrible dream, it was real.

That made my eyes fill with tears immediately as I pouted, gripping the journal closer to my tight chest.

Suddenly, the doorbell rung, making me jump a little then sigh.

Y/N wasn't answering her phone and she was late. So George, Nick and I made our way to her front door to ring her doorbell.

Once I did, it took a whole minute before anyone answered the door. Her father answered the door.

His eyes were red and puffy, he had on his pajamas still and his expression was nerve wrecking to see, making all our eyes widen.

"H—hi Mr. (Y/L/N) Y/N ready for school?" I asked nervously.

He shut his eyes with a sigh as he swallowed hard, taking a step back, silently inviting us in. Our eyebrows squished together at each other then the 3 of us walked in slowly.

"What's going on?" He looked at her father.

All he did was look away from us as he released a shaky breath out.

"Um...Nicole she..." tears immediately filled his eyes as he frowned at the painting above the couch.

Our eyes widened as we exchanged nervous glances at each other.

"She...?" I couldn't finish my sentence, he nodded.

"I'm sorry—" his tears collapsed down his cheeks as he walked down the stairs to the basement, slamming the door behind him.

The 3 of us exchanged another nervous glance as we rushed upstairs to find Y/N.

-Y/N's POV-
My tears fell to the journal as my lip quivered. Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming to the doorway, making me look in that direction.

I saw Clay, George and Nick standing in the doorway, looking worried and sad at me.

Once I saw them, a fuse burned inside of me, one full of pure anger. My nose twitched as I looked at them.

"Y/N..." he tried walking to me when I quickly sat up and held my hand out, making him stop.

"You need to leave." I glared at all 3 of them, making their eyes widen as their eyebrows squished together.


I shakily stood up while my nose twitched more, along with my jaw clenching tightly.

"Get out of her room, now—" I raised my voice.

"Y/N—" he tried stepping closer.

"GET THE FUCK—OUT!!" I shouted angrily at the top of my lungs as I pointed out the door.

All of them gasped as they jumped a little, their eyes practically bulging out of their foreheads.

"Y—Y/N...we know what happened and we wanna comf—"

"It's your fault—it's all your fault!!" I screamed at them, "YOU took her away from me!!"

They all exchanged a confused and worried glance at each other.

"She's always shut me out because of YOU!!" I yelled angrily at them, "YOU took me away from her—"

"Y—Y/N..." he stepped closer to me as he tried speaking as calmly as possible.

"I HATE YOU!!" I shouted angrily as my face squished together in pain, my tears blurring my vision.

All of their expressions dropped as they looked shocked and sad at the same time.

"I hate you—" I pointed to Clay, "I hate you—" I pointed to George, "And I hate you—" I pointed to Nick, "All of you, I hate all of you—"

I gripped the sides of my chair while shutting my eyes tightly.

"I hate you, I hate you..." I cried, telling myself that as I collapsed on my knees on the carpet, "I hate you..."

I bursted out crying while keeping my eyes shut.

The 3 of us looked at each other with tears overflowing our eyes. Then I swallowed hard while looking at her.

"Y/N..." I frowned at her, "Do you really want us gone...?"

She nodded while burying her head in her hands, still sobbing. I exchanged sad glances with my friends as I nodded slowly.

"Call us if you need us..." I spoke quietly in defeat.

Then the 3 of us left, shutting the door behind us. When we were in the hallway, we heard her crying harder, making me shut my eyes with a sigh.

"I don't wanna leave her." He frowned as his tears fell to the carpet.

"Me either." He swallowed hard.

"We're not." I raised my eyebrows then took a seat outside her door, leaning against the wall.

The 2 of them followed what I did. So, we sat outside her door, waiting until she wants us back in there.

-Y/N's POV-
I cried for at least 15 minutes before my tears ran out. Once they did, I sat with my back leaning against Nicole's bed as I stared at the blank grey wall.

My eyelids felt heavy as my face was drenched in tears. My nose was runny, my throat hurt from yelling and my heart hurt from everything.

My vision became blurry again from not focusing all the way, making me shut my eyes as I held myself.

"I'm sorry Nicole...I'm so sorry..." my lip quivered as I shook my head at the ceiling.

My tears returned as they fell down my cheeks rapidly. I felt my breathing pick up again, this time at a faster rate, making me more anxious. My hands started shaking as my breathing became louder and uneasy.

"What's happening to me...?" I thought while staring at my shaking hands.

I tilted my head up in the floor mirror to see myself with tears down my face, my red and puffy eyes and...actually I couldn't make out anything else because my vision became blurry, blurrier than it's ever been. My heart felt like it was gonna burst out of my chest.

"Am I dying??" I thought as my eyelids fell heavier as I slowly began to fall on my side.

I leaned my back against Y/N's door while messing with my shoelaces when I heard heavy breathing. Shortly, it became louder, too loud.

My eyes widened as I connected the pieces in my head from my troubles.

"She's having a panic attack—" I quickly stood up and barged in her room.

She was laying on her side, her hands were shaking like crazy as her eyes were barely open. She had rapid tears streaming down her face as she was breathing quickly and unevenly.

"Y/N! Y/N—" I pulled her up but she didn't even notice I was there.

I looked at Clay and Nick nervously. Then, Clay's eyes widened like he had an idea. He nodded slowly at me with a frown.  Nick noticed then after a few moments, he understood, nodding too with the same expression.

Shortly, I understood what they meant. I took a deep breath as my cheeks heated up fast while looking at Y/N.

Without hesitation, I quickly grasped her cheeks and pulled her lips to meet mine mine as I shut my eyes.

❥It's currently 10:11pm for me. Sorry for the later upload. Also, thank you so much for 3K reads!💗

❥Thanks for reading!
Final word count: 1266

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