Chapter 44 • Confrontation

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Includes strong language.

-Y/N's POV-
My mind was clouded, my vision wasn't clear and I felt something warm on my fingers. I heard voices as well but couldn't make out what they were saying. All I felt was pain and pressure somewhere but my mind was too clouded to make out where. Before I knew it, my eyes were shut and everything went black.

I woke up in a bright hospital room. My eyelids felt heavy as I hazily opened my eyes to take in the room. When my vision returned to normal, I noticed a figure in the corner of the room. He had dirty blonde messy hair. Then I realized it was Clay.

He had his face buried in his hands as his elbows rested on his knees.

"Clay." My voice echoed, making my eyes widen as my eyebrows squished together.

My best friend didn't jerk his head up, he rested in place, like he didn't hear me. Then my head tilted to look out the window. Except out the window was nothing but white fog, making even more anxiety rise to my chest.

I pushed the covers off of me and stood up from the bed. My feet guided me over to Clay cautiously as I swallowed hard.

"Clay...?" I reached out slowly to touch his head when suddenly, my hand flew right threw him, like I was a ghost.

My eyes widened more as my lips parted in shock.

"You're so stupid."

I gasped as I turned around to see Nick sitting down on the counter with his head down, messing with his fingers. I gulped nervously at him.

"You had to hold a grudge...and because of that, it ruined your health...which ruined us..." he narrowed his eyes at me as he clenched his jaw.

My breathing picked up along with my anxiety as I stared at him.

Suddenly, a hand was placed on my shoulder, making me turn around quickly to meet eyes with George.

"You...are...nothing..." he spat coldly to me, making immediate tears form in my eyes while clenching my jaw at him with a frown.

My teary eyes fell to the floor.

"I know..." I whispered as the tear fell down my cheek.

When I shut my eyes in sadness, everything became dark.


My eyes fluttered open to meet the hospital ceiling. I also heard the monitor beeping next to me.

"Y/N!" he yelled, making me gasp with a jump as I jerked my head to him.

I groaned in pain from my neck while shutting my eyes.

"Shit—sorry—" he quickly ran to me, "Don't talk, you're okay."

I shut my eyes as slight tears began forming in the corners.

"I'm gonna get a doctor—"

I grabbed his hand quickly to stop him when he let go of mine, making my eyes widen as my eyebrows squish together.

"I'm getting a doctor, Y/N..." he spoke lowly to me while raising an eyebrow.

I swallowed hard as I lowered my hand to meet the sheet. My gaze moved to the counter across from me instead of Clay's eyes.

I heard the door open and shut again, along with his footsteps fading away.

Oh, how I wished we were the way we used to be. Back at school, back with my family, back to the way things used to be. I wanted that more than ever now.

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