Chapter 11 • Punishment

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Includes strong language and blood.

-Y/N's POV-
Once I zoomed to French class, I barely made it on time. I took deep breaths then made my way over to my seat and sat down.

"Hello Y/N."

My eyes widened as they shot to Wilbur leaning against Niki's desk next to Niki with his arms crossed.

"W—What're you doing here? You don't have this class..."

"I do now." He smiled, "Turns out, I need a foreign language to graduate. So, here I am."

"But this is French IV, not one."

"My grandmother taught me French as a toddler so again, here I am." He raised his eyebrows.

I sighed nervously then the teacher walked in.

"Wilbur, seat." She pointed to the empty one to the left of me.

"Yes ma'am." He grinned then took a seat next to me.

I frowned while clenching my jaw at my notebook. Niki gave me a puzzling look then looked back at the teacher.

The whole time, I felt Wilbur's eyes on me. Then, he passed me a note under the desk. My eyebrows squished together with a glare at him then I slowly opened the piece of paper under my desk.

• NOTE •
Still a virgin, darling?
I could change that if you'd like ;)

I felt all my anxieties come up as my chest began to feel tingly along with the side of my mouth. I swallowed hard at the note as slight tears began forming in my eyes.

I buried the note in my notebook so the teacher wouldn't see it. I could see him smiling out of the corner of my eye.

The rest of the class went by painfully slow. I didn't give a single glance over at Wilbur even though he had no problem giving me them the whole class.

When class was finally over, I rushed out of their with my notebook in my hands. I was walking so fast to my next class that I didn't pay attention to what was in front of me.

I bumped into Clay and dropped my notebook as I gasped.

"Shit, sorry Y/N." His eyes widened then he picked up my notebook, the note fell out of it.

My eyes widened at the opened piece of paper on the tile. Clay's eyebrows squished together then he picked it up, reading it, since it was opened. Once he read it, his eyes widened as they were filled with pure rage.

"Who gave this to you??" He raised his voice.

I already felt the tears beginning to warm up in my eyes. I quickly took the note and tried walking away quickly but he caught up to me by holding my arms.


I turned around to him, making his release slip.

"Leave it, Clay—"

"No—who gave you that??"

"No one—"

"Y/N—" he raised his voice.

"Just leave me alone!" I yelled then stormed off, I heard Clay sighing behind me.

Instead of going to the cafeteria, I went to the football field to be alone. I made my way under the bleachers and when I did, I took deep breaths as I held my notebook close to my chest.

I was upset with Wilbur, the whole virgin talk and I was upset with myself for going off on Clay when he didn't deserve it, he was just trying to help. But, his version of helping is violence which I'm not a fan of.

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