Chapter 146 • Dinner

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Includes strong language.

-Y/N's POV-
My family and I soon took our seats. The universe cursed me and made it so that the only seat left for me was the one next to Wilbur. I sighed, having no choice but to sit down next to him. He glanced at me for half a second, then kept his eyes forward, staring at my parents from across the table.

Darryl shortly gave my family and I our menus. After we thanked him, he walked away, leaving us all to read over the tasty items.

My eyes trailed over to Wilbur, I was drawn to him tonight. He bit the inside of his cheek while reading the menu items, appearing to be slightly nervous. My eyes followed his, I knew he was staring at the expensive prices.

To break the silence between us, I spoke to him.

"You can get what you want, it's okay." I whispered to him.

His eyes fell to the bottom of the menu as he swallowed hard. That's when I noticed his leg was shaking under the table. By instinct, I placed my hand on his thigh, making him stop. His eyes widened a little as he glanced down at it.

"Can you look at me...?" I whispered again.

Wilbur hesitated, but soon, met my eyes.

"Can we talk...? In private..."

He released a shaky breath then nodded, standing up.

"We'll be right back." I stood up, telling everyone.

After they all nodded, I took Wilbur by the wrist and led him to right, outside the bathrooms in the corner.

Once we were alone, I spoke.

"I'm sorry for going off on you yesterday." I got to the point, "You didn't deserve that...I know you were only trying to help, I just...I hate getting help from people because it makes me feel you trying to help, triggered me, that's why I lashed out...

He frowned at me, remaining silent.

"I'll do whatever you want to earn your forgiveness." I held my hands together.

Wilbur's eyes fell to the floor below us, he still didn't say a single word, making my lips curl down farther.

"I'm sorry..." I said again, hoping he'd speak, but he still wouldn't.

I didn't want to say anything else that would upset her. I especially didn't want to make her angry at me again for getting involved in her business, so, I figured saying nothing was better than saying something that could upset her.

"Wilbur I'm sorry for going off...can you please say something...?" She frowned while tilting her head.

I swallowed hard, placed my hands in my pockets, and kept silent, in fear of hurting her again.

She clenched her jaw while shutting her eyes.

"Fine..." She whispered, "I thought we could be mature about this but, apparently not...thanks..."

Y/N walked back to the table, all while I focused my eyes on the floor.

-Y/N's POV-
When I made it back to the table, I took Wilbur's seat, now sitting next to George. My parents were speaking to Clay and Nick, making George lean his head to the side to talk to me.

"You good?" He whispered.

"Not really..."

"Wanna talk about it?"

I decided to answer with actions. I stood up, grabbed George by the hand and led him outside to the entrance.

When we were hit with a breeze, the doors shut. Once they did, I wrapped my arms around his waist, letting my cheek rest against his chest.

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