Chapter 50 • HBB

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Includes strong language.

-Y/N's POV-
French class passed by surprisingly quick for once. When it was over, it was lunch time.

Before I went to the cafeteria, I ended up following Niki to her locker so I know if she reads the note I left.

I followed her until she stopped at her locker. She turned her lock to her combination as I watched her from around the corner.

Right as Niki opened her locker, the note fell out. That's when I felt a hand get placed on my shoulder.


I turned around as my eyes widened then pushed Wilbur against the wall and put my hand over his mouth. His eyebrows rose as his eyes widened.

Once I realized it was him, I sighed in annoyance while lowering my shoulders.

"One" He mumbled in my hand, making me roll my eyes and remove my palm.

"You shouldn't sneak up on someone like that."

"I don't regret it." He grinned while staring at my lips, I scoffed in response, "What're you doing hiding behind a corner like a mole rat anyways?"

I tilted my head at him.

"None of your business. Don't you have a tongue to shove down someone's throat?" I began walking away while crossing my arms, he followed me as we walked side by side down the hallway.

"Does that mean you volunteer?" He smirked.

I shook my head with a sigh.

"You're a real piece of work you know that...why're you even dating Niki?? I'm almost 99% sure that you don't even like her."

"Someone sounds jealous." He smiled in pride.

"No, I just know what Niki deserves."

"Since when are you two friends? She smashed your phone and has been rude to you a million times."

"You know why." I snapped while stopping in place.

He stopped walking as well as he looked down at me.

"I get're a stupid kid in high school that doesn't have anyone at home so therefore, you can do whatever the hell you want. And since you have no good example, you act out recklessly and hurt girls just for the fun of it. You date every single girl all the time, even more than one at a time, just because you can't stand being alone..."

Wilbur rolled his tongue over the inside of his cheek while nodding slowly.

"Anything else...?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Yeah...I told Niki about you and Minx."

"One, I don't even like Niki so who cares and two, she wouldn't believe you anyways."

I sighed in annoyance.

"C'mon Y/N, if you're in love with me, just say so." He pouted while smiling, inches apart from my face.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Everything okay here?"

The both of us jerked our heads to meet Clay's serious eyes.

"Yes," I sighed, "Let's just go to lunch."

I dragged Clay by the wrist, leaving Wilbur behind.

Once Clay and I reached the cafeteria doors, I let go of his wrist.

"Are you sure everything's alright?" His eyebrows squished together.

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