Chapter 152 • Prom PT. 2

281 11 101

Includes strong language, blood, needles & death.

-Y/N's POV-
I stayed outside for 30 minutes. Once those 30 minutes went by, I began to worry even more. I called George, texted him, left him voicemails, yet he didn't pick up once.

I grew impatient every second that went by. So, instead of waiting for nothing, I went to his Snapchat and found out his location. He was located in a building I've never been to before.

I thought for a moment that the surprise could be at a special place, but I didn't care if it got ruined, I needed to make sure my friend was okay. So, I texted a group chat of Clay, Nick, Wilbur and I, told them I was going to look for George at the specific location, then ran away in my heels, determined to find my best friend.

30 minutes went by at least. I was still trapped in the wooden chair. There was dry blood on my face and tux, dry tear marks on my cheeks, and Clay's father's dead body across from me.

The amount of guilt I had for his death was enormous. He tried saving me, but all it did was cost him his life. I had no idea what I was going to tell Clay. I was worried that he'd hate me, just as much as I hate myself.

I was worried for Y/N's sake too. I hoped with everything I had in me that she wouldn't find me nor come anywhere near the lunatic.

I stared hazily at the concrete floor as I breathed slowly, consumed by my thoughts.

Unfortunately, Mr. Jay and Wilbur's father returned to me, this time, with 4 syringes filled with a suspicious liquid. I gulped nervously at it while keeping my head down.

"Did you miss us?" He wickedly smiled while tilting his head.

I kept my eyes focused on the floor, I didn't say a word. I didn't want to speak. Sadly, that didn't sit right with him. Mr. Jay slapped me across the cheek again, making me wince.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you, you little bitch." He glared.

My gaze slowly lifted to meet his evil eyes.

"Fuck you..." I whispered while shaking my head.

Mr. Jay had enough of me. He grabbed the syringe from Wilbur's father and stepped closer to me, ready to inject me with that needle. I gulped nervously as slight tears formed in my eyes out of sadness and fear.

My former teacher stabbed me in the neck with the syringe, making me gasp while shutting my eyes tight. After a few moments, my shoulders relaxed as my eyelids fell heavy.

Everything became black.

-Y/N's POV-
I eventually made it to the creepy ass looking building in 10 minutes. When I did, I took a look around, trying to see if George was around, but he wasn't.

Then I noticed two ugly doors with glass windows on them. So, I peeked inside and saw a sight that made my breath get caught in my throat.

George was tied up in a chair, beaten, unconscious, all while my former teacher and greatest enemy stood in front of him, along with Wilbur's jailbird father. It was then that I also saw Clay's former jailbird father on the ground, unconscious and pale. The realization soon hit me that he was dead.

This crime scene made my breathing pick up. I quickly bent down and leaned my back against the door. With shaking hands, I got out my phone from my purse and called 911. I told them how my friend was kidnapped and how the kidnappers escaped from prison. I gave them the address, and they told me they'd be there with me shortly.

Right when I hung up the phone, Mr. Jay swung open the doors. A breeze hit me, along with his fist. I gasped and fell back, allowing him to drag me by the arms into the suspicious building.

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