Chapter 106 • Talent

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Includes strong language.

❥ I recommend with 100% of me to play the song when it says to! :)

-Y/N's POV-
It's been 2 days since I've spoken to my friends. I spent my classes ignoring any stares they gave me. I've ignored every text, everything. I even started taking the bus to school so that way I wouldn't see them.

In each class, I took note of how each of them looked. Clay looked only a little sad and awkward, George on the outside looked like he was miserable which hurt my heart and when I glanced at Nick, he looked mad, either that or he had resting bitch face. Either way, seeing their faces made me feel worse.

Unfortunately, it had reached Friday, aka the day of the talent show. Aka, the day I had to conquer my stage fright and sing with Clay and perform with Nick. Boy oh boy, was I not ready for today.

When my alarm went off, I wanted to yeet my phone out the window. Since I couldn't do that, I decided to shut off my alarm, then crawl out of bed and stay on the floor for a few minutes.

Once I gathered enough strength to get ready for the long day ahead, I went to the bathroom to do my makeup. After that, I curled my hair then got dressed.

You wore this:

Whenever I was done getting ready, I sighed while staring at myself in the mirror

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Whenever I was done getting ready, I sighed while staring at myself in the mirror.

To say I was nervous was an understatement. Today was going to be a very anxiety filled day for me. I had to conquer my stage fright when I've had it all my life, and I would have to do it twice with 2 of the boys I hurt.

My chest began to feel tingly along with my hands, which made me take deep breaths and shut my eyes.

"Everything will be fine...everything will be fine..." I told myself in my head.

Whether I was calmed down or not, I unfortunately had to leave now. My bus would be here any minute. So, I released a shaky breath and grabbed my backpack from against my dresser. Once I swung it over my shoulder, I made my way downstairs. I said goodbye to my family like usual and jogged to the door. When I opened it, I saw the bright yellow bus at my stop, right on schedule. I sighed then shut the door behind me and went on my way to the vehicle. After I climbed on board, I took my seat and shortly, the man began the drive.

About 30 minutes later, the bus arrived at the school. Once I hopped off the smelly vehicle, I made my way inside the school to get to my first class of the day, Chemistry.

When I entered the classroom, I took my seat immediately and didn't meet anyone's gaze. Clay came in a little after I did. He stared at me like he has for the past 2 days, but I ignored any glances he gave me.

Throughout the class, I had anxiety. Anxiety about performing on stage twice, anxiety about my friends, and anxiety about the future. As I kept my eyes on the board, my leg bounced under my desk as I clenched my jaw.

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