Chapter 94 • News

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Includes strong language.

-Y/N's POV-
I ended up falling asleep by accident in Nick's arms. When I woke up a few hours later, I wish I hadn't because of the news I received.

My eyes opened slowly and immediately, I met eyes with my family and friends. Everyone had tears streaming down their cheeks, making me nervous.

"W—What happened...?" I asked quietly.

"Clay..." His voice cracked as he frowned, his lip quivering, "T—The surgery took a turn..."

My heart dropped as my eyes widened. I stopped breathing.

"I—Is he okay...??"

Nick shook his head while shutting his eyes.

"He...he didn't make it...he's gone..." He almost bursted out crying but stopped himself.

I felt my whole world break down around me. The anxiety rose in my chest, the tears filled my eyes and overflowed, my heart ached like never before. My friends came and held me in their arms, while my face was pure shock, confusion and sorrow. It was not long before tears flowed down my cheeks.


The death of Clay struck me harder than anyone. I cried every day at the hospital and I didn't stop. The whole time, I wished it was me that could've taken his place.

George and Nick visited me every day, all day until closing hours. My family was there every step of the way, but it didn't matter, all I wanted was for Clay to come back.

It didn't feel real. I never thought this would happen to me. I always imagined Clay living a long life. Not only that, but I wanted the four of us to play bingo in nursing homes, I didn't expect him to leave this early, especially on our first date.

I couldn't understand why the universe was doing these things to me. I loved Clay with all of my heart, I always have. He always lit up the room with his wheezes, his smile was contagious, and his eyes were the ones you could get lost in forever. I wasn't expecting to say goodbye.


The first month was the hardest thing I've ever done. I spent my days locked up in my room alone, afraid to talk to anyone. George and Nick blew up my phone, but I never answered, after all, everything I touch gets hurt.

I didn't go to school for that month and everyone knew why, they were understanding.

When Clay's funeral came up, I didn't go. I couldn't say goodbye to him. It would've broken me more than I already was.

Without Clay, I felt lost and unsafe. He was the only person who'd do anything for me at any time. He was the only one who wouldn't get mad at me for much, he always tried to understand my POV. I spent my last moments with him fighting and eventually going on a date. Maybe the universe knew it was his time, so he gave me one last good memory with him...but it wasn't enough.

This month, I felt extremely depressed. After all, the reason why Clay wasn't watching the road was because he was looking at me. I felt guilty for his death and even more guilty for not telling him I loved him more, for putting the others before him.

I truly wouldn't be the same without Clay. He's made me the person I was. I'm overprotective because of him, I'm cautious to new things because of him. I know what love is because of him.

He took me into his friend group and that was the only reason why I was happy...I didn't know how to live without him, and I didn't want to.

Clay's mom gave me his phone to keep since she knew how much I loved him. While scrolling through his phone one day, I saw a playlist dedicated to me. It had over 3,000 songs.

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