Chapter 75 • Don't

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Includes strong language and blood.

-Y/N's POV-
After Nick and I shared our hug, we split apart while holding onto each other still, with my arms around his neck and his hands on my waist.

I knew I had to tell my other two friends ASAP. However, something still bothered me.

"Um...this is random but, do you know someone named Tina?" I asked him nervously.

Nick's eyebrows squished together.

"No. Who is she?"

I sighed while lowering my shoulders.

"George has been talking to her and...I don't know...I feel like he might like her."

"I highly doubt that." He huffed out a smile.

"I know I may just be overthinking but...I feel like Clay might like someone too. Aimsey. Do you know her? She's in Earth Club with us."

"Oh, not really. I've never had a convo with her."

"Do you think anything's going on?"

"No but either way, their hearts are taken by you. Trust me, I'd be the one to know." He raised his eyebrows.

I nodded slowly while looking away from him. I let my arms fall to my sides, making Nick let go of my waist.

"Wanna get out of here?"

Nick's eyebrows rose.


"Yeah." I nodded, "I wanna go to the place you were originally gonna take me that one day I was upset."

Nick's lips slowly curled up.

"Okay, okay. I'll go get my bag." He scurried off to the classroom.

I smiled at him as he walked away.

After a few minutes, Nick returned with his backpack over his shoulder. The two of us strolled hand in hand out of the school, all with the biggest blushes on our faces.

We ended up going to his house to drop off our heavy backpacks. When we made it into the house, our feet stopped as we gasped, his father was home.

He spotted us immediately. His eyebrows squished together as he sat up from his recliner.

"Hey. What're you two doing home from school?" His legs wobbled slightly.

That's when I noticed four empty bottles of alcohol on the side table next to the chair. I gulped nervously as Nick walked in front of me.

"W—We forgot our homework..." He lied.

"Alright. Hurry on up." He waved his hand.

Nick held my hand and led us to his room down the hallway. The whole time I could tell how tense he was.

Once we made it to his room, he shut the door behind him and breathed out.

"We're gonna have to go out the window."

I raised my eyebrows while staring at his window.

"If he sees us without our bags, he'll know we're lying."

I nodded hesitantly then set my bag down and grabbed my phone out of the front pocket. I slipped it into my pocket while my gaze shifted to his red and orange bracelet on the nightstand, more specifically, the matching bracelet I made him in 7th grade.

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