Chapter 165 • Darling

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Includes strong language.

I ended up driving Y/N to the same spot I took her many times this year.

Around the corner on the mountain curved road. I pulled over to the side of the road and parked the car, making her very confused.

"Where are we?"

"C'mon." I shut the car off, opened my door and closed it.

I began walking and she followed. I led us to the gigantic rock, overlooking the town. Her eyes widened when she saw how high up we were.

"Oh my..."

I chuckled, remembering those were the same words that came out of her mouth the first time we came here together.

"This is where I go to get my mind off of things." I sat down on the rock.

Soon, she sat down next to me, admiring the lit up buildings below in the dark night.

Thankfully, it stopped raining.

I glanced over at Y/N to see her shivering. So, I instantly took off my jacket and covered her shoulders with it, making her blush and shyly smile.


I nodded with a smile.

Soon, she took off my jacket, took off her wet green flower sweater, set it off to the side, then slipped on my jacket the correct way. Seeing her wear my jacket again made me pout while smiling, I missed her in it.

After a few moments, she caught me staring at her. I cleared my throat nervously.

"S—So um...wanna talk now?"

"To be honest...I want a distraction now..." She frowned.

"W—What kind of distraction...?"

"I don't know...I just don't wanna be in my head right now..." She mumbled.

I released a shaky breath out, then rubbed my palms together.

"Um...well..." I thought for a moment.

"You're drawing a blank?"

"Yeah." I chuckled.

"Well then, tell me some things we did this year. I want to know exactly how we became enemies to friends."

"More like enemies to lovers..." I thought while raising my eyebrows.

"O—Okay, well thing we did together was a talent show. Nick and his friends had this band, they wanted to join together to earn free lunch for a week. Your sister encouraged you to join them as the lead singer."

Her eyes widened.

"Wait I have stage fright. Did I actually perform?"

"Twice actually." I chuckled, "Once with them and once by yourself. Anyways uh, Tommy was 'sick' so I came on stage and helped you guys complete your performance since he couldn't be there. But, that was all a plan to let me perform with you."

"Why'd you want to perform with me?"

I released a shaky breath out.

"I've been jealous of your friends since forever...that's why I've always been a dick...and this year, you showed me kindness, you showed me that you cared and...that meant the world to me, it completely changed me because...that's all I've ever wanted was for you to notice me..."

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