Chapter 104 • Fallout

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Includes strong language.

Hearing Y/N say that she chose no one, made my heart hurt. It hurt even more when she said that we'd all only ever be just friends.

I exchanged looks with my friends, knowing they were feeling the same way I was. Both of their eyes were filled with real sadness, shock, and pain.

"I'll drive you guys home..." I spoke quietly as I walked towards the door, they followed shortly behind me.

The 3 of us kept walking until we hit the parking lot. We climbed in my car and I took off. The ride home was silent because of our thoughts.

I dropped Nick off first. Once he went inside, I stepped on the gas petal to get to mine and George's house. He was silent the whole time too.

When we finally made it home, instead of going into my house, George ran to his. It made me extra sad, knowing that he'd rather face his parents than to cry in front of me. But after all, George was never one to show his emotions to others, especially the feelings about how our dream girl isn't ours anymore. So, I unlocked my front door, went inside, and let my feelings out.

I rushed inside my house, the same one I haven't stepped foot in for a long time. Once I slammed the door, I immediately went upstairs to get to my room.

"Honey is that you?" He raised his voice from his bedroom.

I stopped for a moment in the hallway to lock eyes with him. When he realized it was me, his eyes widened.


Instead of talking to him, I walked to my room quickly and slammed the door.

"Hey—what're you doing here?? Why aren't you in school?" He jogged to my door.

Before he could enter, I moved my desk chair under the door knob, so he couldn't get in, since I wasn't allowed to have a lock. My father tried opening the door, but it wouldn't budge.

"George open the door—" He sounded annoyed.

"Just leave me alone—" I snapped while grabbing the blue teddy bear from my desk, the one that Y/N gave me at the science fair.

"George I'm not going to say it again. Open the door right now—" He raised his voice.

"Just leave me alone, please—" My voice shook accidentally as I plopped down on my bed.

I instantly squeezed the teddy bear tightly as tears filled my eyes fully.

"Do I need to break down this door??"

"Go for it, you can pay for a new one..."

He sighed in annoyance.

"Why're you home from school?"

I swallowed hard as the tears fell down my cheeks, onto my comforter.

"You were right, okay...??" My voice cracked as I frowned, "Y/N doesn't love me...she didn't choose me...she's never going to be mine, I'm not good enough, I'm a failure, go ahead and laugh—I know you want to...!"

After saying those words out loud, I couldn't hold in my emotions anymore. I bursted out in a cry while holding the teddy bear tighter. In between my cries, I heard a sigh.

"George, open the door..." His voice sounded less angry.

"J—Just leave me alone...why can't you ever just leave me don't know what you do to don't know how much your words hurt..." I cried, "You're never there for me...all you care about is school and my future...all I want is to be happy...why is that not enough for you...why am I not enough for you...why am I not enough for her—"

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