Chapter 164 • Yours

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Includes strong language.

-Y/N's POV-
I barely slept a peep. I saw the sun shine in through Clay's bedroom window with my sore, tired eyes.

I was up all night thinking of the possibility that Clay and I dated this year, and I don't remember any of it.

It would explain perfectly why he was so angry and why he's been avoiding me. Cuddling with him felt way too natural, and it felt way too good, but that's beside the point.

When Clay's eyes fluttered open at 10am, he tilted his head up to see me in the same position we were in when he fell asleep last night. He instantly smiled tiredly at me.

"Morning." He mumbled in his deep morning voice.

"Dang it, why do boys morning voices have to sound so hot—" I thought.

"M—Morning..." I nervously smiled.

Clay let go of me to stretch.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Oh um, g—good..." I lied.

While he was stretching, he shut his eyes and let out a groan, making me blink slowly with even more heated cheeks.

"Fuck you..." I thought to myself.

I quickly stood up from the bed.

"Um, wanna go somewhere today? Cause I wanna go somewhere today, do you wanna go somewhere today??" I asked quickly while holding myself.

His eyebrows squished together as his lips curled up.

"Sure?" He chuckled, "Where do you wanna go?"

"Somewhere private."

"Ayo—" He joked, making me scoff and roll my eyes.

"Get ready, doofus." I walked out of his room and shut the door behind me, making him laugh.

As much as that joke was annoying, it made me smile, hearing his laugh again, it was always adorable.

"No—don't have those thoughts—" I said to myself in my head, then sighed.

Shortly, the doorbell rang, resulting in me zooming downstairs, so I wouldn't be distracted by certain thoughts about my best friend.

Once I was down there, I swung open Clay's front door to see George standing there, holding up my phone.

"Hey..." He lightly smiled, "You left this in my room last night."

"O—Oh, thanks..." I took it from him.

George's eyes fell to my bandaged wrist, making my eyes widen.

"Why do you have a bandaged wrist...?" His eyebrows squished together.

"U—Um, funny story, um...I burnt myself, making cookies last night—" I lied quickly with a nod.

"Oh...hope you're alright." He raised his eyebrows.

My eyes fell to the concrete as I nodded slowly.

"Um, Clay and I are finally talking again...s—so we'll be going out today alone..."

"Oh, that's good. I'm glad."

" too...anyways um, t—thanks for the phone." I raised my device up.

"No problem..." He lightly smiled while narrowing his eyes at me, then began to walk away.

Once he was gone, I released the breath I was holding, then slammed the front door. I shut my eyes, and once I opened them after a few seconds, Clay appeared in front of me, resulting in me gasping and tripping, falling onto the floor.

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