Chapter 150 • Behavior

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Includes strong language.

-Y/N's POV-
After Minx and I hugged, we decided to get to our classes. We decided to store her barbies and dollhouse in Ms. Erikson's classroom until the end of the day, since Ms. Erikson was my favorite teacher. I knew she'd take good care of it.

So, once we reached her classroom, Minx shyly waved to me then left to get to her class. Once I walked inside my favorite teacher's classroom, I set down the barbie dollhouse near the door, then took my window seat next to Clay.

Ms. Erikson eyed the dollhouse, then smiled at me. I did the same then shortly, she turned her attention back to the board. That's when Clay passed me a note. I opened the piece of paper and read his words.

Did she like it? :)

Yes she loved it :)
Her and I are friends now I think

That's awesome!
I'm glad she won't be causing you anymore problems

I was the problem, her feelings were valid
But, I still need to talk to Wilbur
About him and me, plus him and Minx
She's liked him her entire life
Meanwhile, he's liked me his entire life
I think Minx deserves some closure about her crush

Good idea
I'll text Wilbur to meet me on the football field at lunch, but instead you can go there

Ouu smart :)
I knew I liked you for a reason

Are my smarts the only reason why you like me?

Yep /j

I'm gonna go cry :(

Noooo I didn't mean it
I like you for many reasons :)

Name 5

1. Your personality
2. Your eyes/appearance in general
3. Your selflessness
4. Your kindness
5. Your cuddles

Dayum dats a lot


Clay smiled at me one last time before the two of us actually started to pay attention to Ms. Erikson's lesson.

Eventually, the bell rang, and it was time for Math class with George. Eventually, that bell rang too, along with the one in History and French.

Throughout French class, Wilbur still didn't give me a second glance, but I didn't care. I knew I would make things right with him by lunch.

So, when that time came, he rushed off to the football field and I followed close behind without him noticing.

Once he got to the field, he walked under the bleachers. Right when I was behind him, he turned around sharply.

"Why're you following me?" He asked abruptly, making me raise my eyebrows.

"S—Sorry, I wanted to talk to you know." I messed with my fingers nervously.

"Y/N, you don't need to keep apologizing. I know you're sorry, and I'm sorry too. That's why I've been avoiding you...I don't wanna hurt you again..."

"I know, did nothing wrong. It was all on me, I got triggered, and I took out my frustration on you, and I'm sor—"

Wilbur grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into him, crashing our lips together. I was surprised by the action, but happy nonetheless.

After a few moments of paradise, Wilbur split apart our lips, but still held on to my waist.

"I said stop saying sorry..." He spoke lowly while staring deep into my eyes, giving me chills.

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