Chapter 60 • Loved

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Includes strong language.

-Y/N's POV-
The car ride home was silent. I kept exchanging nervous glances with George which made me blush after remembering our kisses.

When Clay dropped me off first, I hopped out of the car with my backpack around my shoulder.

"Thanks for the ride." I lightly smiled while Clay nodded.

When I shut the door, Clay took off. I breathed out then looked at my house. I shortly remembered what happened with Wilbur. I knew I needed to make things right with my sister now.

I took a deep breath and opened the front door to see my living room filled with boxes, making my eyebrows squish together.

"Mom?" I called out.

Soon, my mom came downstairs while holding another cardboard box.

"Hi sweetie." She smiled.

"What's with the boxes?" I set my backpack down near the door.

Suddenly, Nicole walked up to us from the kitchen.

"I'm moving out." She raised her eyebrows.

My expression fell as my eyes widened a little. Disappointment and regret settled into my chest, making my heart feel heavy.


"I'm gonna move in with Emmeline. I leave today..." She slightly glared at me then went upstairs.

My shoulders dropped as I clenched my jaw, staring at the floor.

"Are you okay sweetie?" She set the box down on top of another.

I met her eyes while nodding slowly. Then I grabbed my backpack off the floor and walked upstairs to my room.

When I made it to my room, I shut the door then set my bag down next to my dresser.

I couldn't help but feel guilty.

"Nicole is probably moving out because of me. If I forgave her instead of acting stubborn, maybe she wouldn't be leaving." I thought with a frown.

I breathed out nervously while plopping down on my bed. My thoughts shortly shifted to George. I remembered our kiss from today, making me slowly raise my hand and touch my lips.

I shut my eyes and ran my hands over my face with a groan.

"God, why can't things just go back to normal...?" I thought.

Right when Y/N shut her door, Clay took off and drove faster than normal. I sighed nervously while staring at him.

"You saw didn't you...?" I asked quietly.

He was silent for a moment.

"What do you think?" He spoke lowly while staring at the road.

"Look, she only kissed me because she was trying to stop me from a panic attack."

Clay scoffed.

"Yeah right...using the same excuse that made you kiss her the first time. Like I'm supposed to believe that..."

"You can ask Y/N if you want." I raised my eyebrows while sitting back in the seat.

"It must feel so great to be the one she chose, huh?" He turned the wheel then let it go, turning into the next street.

"What?" My eyebrows squished together, "She never chose me."

"You're the first one she kissed George. She chose to kiss you and not us so...that means she chose you."

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