Chapter 162 • Explanation

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Includes strong language.

-Y/N's POV-
My eyes slowly fluttered open to see George was sitting next to me on his floor in his bedroom. He was blotting my head with a cold, wet wash cloth while I laid on his bed, all while he was frowning.

" okay?" He took the wash cloth off my head and held it in his palms.

I nodded hesitantly.

"Did I faint...?"

"Yeah...I saw the reason why..."

My eyes fell to the carpet, as tears instantly filled them.

"You guys were trying to protect me..." I whispered with a frown, "Even Wilbur was..."

George's lips curled down farther.

"Did I really kill someone...?" My voice cracked as my tears fell, I stared at George in fear.

He nodded with a sadder expression and deepened eyes.

"Why did I do that...??" I whispered.

George swallowed hard.

"Y/N..." He took a deep breath, "Mr. Jay wasn't a good person...he constantly went after you..."

He messed with the wash cloth in his palms while looking down at it.

"Y/N he..." He sighed, "He stabbed me in the heart with a literal knife..."

My heart fell all the way to my feet as more tears filled my eyes at the thought.

If George had died then, and if I would've still lost my memory, I'd be unaware right now, wondering where my best friend was. I'd be so empty inside to not remember the last moments with him, to not say goodbye.

Those bad thoughts made my breathing pick up again, along with my chest feeling tingly.

"I was in a coma for 2 weeks..." He said quietly, "It destroyed you...and then Mr. Jay came back at graduation...once you saw that he made Nick bleed...something in you snapped and pulled the trigger..."

My expression relaxed a little.

"I—I did it for Nick...?"

"Not just for him but, yeah...he already did a number on us and...after I woke up from my coma, we all created a plan just in case Mr. Jay would come back again and...he did...after you killed were shaking like crazy and...then you backed away...resulting in you slipping off the edge and falling...losing your memory of the whole year..."

I released a shaky breath out, shocked by everything I was hearing.

"The...The website said that...he wanted to do...sexual...things to me...d—did he...?" I asked nervously.

"No." He answered immediately, tightening his jaw, "I would've been the one to kill him if he did..."

I nodded slowly, being relieved over two pieces of information. One, that he didn't do anything like that to me, and two, he was dead, so he couldn't hurt us anymore.

"W—Was he our teacher...?"

"Yeah...there were signs that he was evil but...I was too stupid to see them...if I would've seen them, maybe I could've kept you safe..." He said quietly with a frown.

I reached out to hold his hand, and he let me.

"It looks like you did a pretty good job, considering the fact that we're all still alive. Especially you, surviving a stab to the heart, that's pretty strong of you..." I sadly smiled.

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