Chapter 82 • Tea

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Includes strong language.

-Y/N's POV-
After I asked my best friends on dates, Clay drove each of us home and on the way, we discussed the order of who would go on the dates first.

I also explained to Clay when I started liking each of them. They all had hardcore blushes and grins on their faces the whole time.

"Wait—you started liking George again in 10th, Nick in 11th and me in 12th this year?"

"Oh my gosh I went in order—" My eyes widened with a widened smile.

Clay's wheezes filled the car along with Nick and George's laughs.

"You also went backwards. We started liking you first with Nick, me then George. But you started liking us as George, me then Nick." He laughed.

"That's actually so funny." He smiled at me.

I chuckled.

"Okay so we could go in the order of when you started liking us. George could go first then me then Nick if you want Y/N."

"Sure." I smiled at them.

"W—Would you wanna go out tonight?" He asked shyly while messing with his fingers.

"Of course. I've been waiting for this moment since the 4th grade."

George giggled cutely while blushing harder.

Soon, we made it to my house. I grabbed my backpack and swung it over my shoulder then turned around to meet George's gaze.

"Pick me up at 8." I winked at him with a grin.

George's blush intensified as his eyes widened with the cutest smile. He nodded quickly then I smiled at him one last time and waved to the others goodbye.

I stepped out of Clay's car and shut the door behind me. My friends took off then I released the breath I was holding.

Now was the time to tell my family everything.

My feet guided me to the porch shortly. I pushed down the handle and walked inside my house. I immediately saw Nicole on the couch, watching "Pretty Little Liars" while my dad was washing dishes in the kitchen. They both noticed me when I shut the door behind me.

"Hey monkey." He smiled while shutting off the water, "How was school?"

"Interesting." I raised my eyebrows, "I have a date tonight."

Suddenly, my mom came downstairs.

"Did I hear you say you have a date?" Her eyes widened.

"Yep..." I nodded awkwardly, "With George—"

I mumbled under my breath while turning away from them. All of their jaws dropped while my mom squealed loudly.

"I knew it! I knew it!" She jumped excitedly while I stared at her in concern.

"That's who you were making out with in your room??" Her eyebrows squished together as her eyes widened.

"I didn't think George had it in him—" He raised his eyebrows while looking off to the side.

I stared at my family in disbelief and confusion.

"Wait what...? Y—You guys knew I was making out with someone...?" Awkwardness filled my body from head to toe.

"Duh. I overheard you dumbass."

I rolled my eyes while crossing my arms.

"Well you're the dumbass because I wasn't making out with George." I raised my eyebrows.

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