Chapter 123 • Fine

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Includes strong language and blood.

-Y/N's POV-
Once I packed my overnight bags, I pushed my curtains out of the way, then unlocked the latch and slid up my window. I felt a slight breeze come in immediately.

Right when I picked up one of my bags to throw out the window, I paused for a moment to think about what I was doing.

"I made my mom cry..." The realization set in as I swallowed hard at my bag, "She just doesn't get me...if I don't spend all my time with my friends, they're going to feel left out or unimportant, compared to the others..."

I clenched my jaw tightly as my nose twitched a little. Then I chucked the bag in my hands out the window.

"I'm doing this for them...I've been doing this for them...their feelings matter more than mine..." I thought with a sigh, throwing out my 2nd bag, making it hit the grass outside.

Soon, I bent down and climbed out my window carefully. After that, I hopped down from my roof and landed on my bags, but unfortunately, my face landed in the grass. More specially, a sharp plant, making me groan in annoyance.

My head lifted off the grass as I grabbed my bags in each hand. I stood up then glanced at my house one last time, before walking down the street, without saying goodbye to anyone.

After Y/N texted the group chat, I instantly went over to George's house next door. His mother let me in, then I made my way up to his room.

I turned the knob and opened his bedroom door. I saw him staring at his phone while looking deep in thought. Once I walked up to him, he jerked his head at me.

"Oh hey."

"Hey..." I looked nervously at him, "There's something wrong with Y/N..."

"I know." He frowned, "She's never called her own mum a bitch before. That's not like her at all."

"When she comes over, I'll try talking to her to see what's wrong..." I sighed, "I just hope she's alright."

"Me too..." He looked down.

-Y/N's POV-
Eventually after a very long walk, I made it to Clay's house. Once I was there, I rang the doorbell and waited patiently for my crush to answer.

Instead of him answering the door, his mother did. She swung open the door to meet my eyes. Her eyes widened as she gasped while staring up at my temple.

"Sweetheart—you're bleeding—"

My eyebrows squished together as my eyes widened.

"You have a cut on your temple—"

I immediately got out my phone from my pocket. I clicked on my camera app to see a red line on my temple with some blood. I sighed while shutting my eyes.

"I—It's fine, I got it from a sharp plant in my yard..." I slipped my phone away, "Is Clay home?"

"Y—Yeah..." She looked nervously at me, "Clay, honey, Y/N is here—"

She yelled to him then walked away while staring at me a certain way, being confused and worried at the same time. I grasped my bags tighter as I heard Clay's footsteps coming closer.

Shortly, Clay met my eyes, that was, until he noticed the cut too. He grasped my cheeks quickly while looking worried.

"Y/N—What happened??"

"It's fine, I just cut myself from a plant after I jumped off my roof."

"You jumped off your roof?!" He raised his voice in more worry.

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