Chapter 118 • Trapped

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Includes strong language.

-Y/N's POV-
French class went by fast as well, thankfully. Once the bell rung, I zoomed out of the classroom as fast as I could to avoid Wilbur, and it worked.

I made my way to the cafeteria to eat lunch with my friends. When I made it, I grabbed my free lunch and sat down, joining them.

I decided not to ask them about Wilbur, since I wanted the rest of my day to be drama free. After we ate lunch together, we went to the rest of our classes.

Eventually, the last bell of the day rung. It was now time for my detention with Wilbur, which meant I couldn't have alone time with George in Math Club. But thinking it over, I'd rather be doing nothing for an hour rather than doing math equations.

So, I texted George and told him I got detention for the dumbest reason, all while I strolled down the hallways to get to the detention room.

When I finally made it, Wilbur was sitting down in the back with his feet laid on another desk, making me roll my eyes. I shortly took a seat next to him. He glanced at me instantly.

"Hey..." He spoke awkwardly, "Sorry for getting you detention..."

"It's fine." I sighed, "I'd be in Math Club right now, so you saved me from being extra bored."

Wilbur lightly smiled, then his eyes fell to his black combat boots.

"Answer my question. Why have you been hanging out with my friends lately? Are y'all fighting or?"

Before Wilbur could answer, the teacher in charge of detention today walked in.

"Quiet down." He sighed, "Do your homework in peace so that all of us can have a peaceful hour."

I clenched my jaw while rolling my eyes, following his orders. Soon, I got out my homework for the day and began to work on it, all while Wilbur played games on his phone, shaking his head.


Detention was over in an hour. Once it was done, I left Wilbur behind to go meet my friends. I texted them in detention that we could hang out at my house until the party.

Eventually, I made it to the front of the school. I walked up to my friends and overheard some of their conversation.

"Honesty, hanging out with him wasn't that bad." He shrugged.

"Well I'd rather go to a party than hangout with that jerk." He sighed while crossing his arms.

"Hey guys."

Their attention shot to me as they smiled.


"Overheard y'all talking about the party." I raised my eyebrows.

"Which I'll be late to." He rolled his eyes.

"Yep. Wilbur told me that he's gonna hangout with you tonight..." I looked nervously at him, "I know that Wilbur's been hanging out with each of you...are y'all fighting?"

"No." He shook his head, "He's just been wanting to talk to us."

"But why? He hates you guys."

The 3 of them shrugged idiotically, making me roll my eyes once again.

"Whatever. I'm in a Minecraft mood, let's go."

Soon, my friends and I made it to the parking lot. We hopped in Clay's car, then drove away.


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