Chapter 54 • Distraction

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Includes strong language.

-Y/N's POV-
Clay and I stayed in each other's embrace until he felt better. The whole time, we watched the clouds and tried making things out of them.

"There's a dog!" I pointed at the sky with a smile.

"No, it's a cat." He chuckled.

"You're just saying that cause you're a cat person. You're seeing what you wanna see." I joked.

Clay wheezed.

"Yeah I guess you're right."

"You've wanted a cat since forever. Why don't you get one?"

"Cause, my mom's got enough on her plate. I would have to take care of the cat."

"Okay so take care of the cat." I smiled while squishing my eyebrows together.

"But that's so much work."

I laughed while shaking my head.

"One day, I'm gonna get you a cat. We can raise it together since you're lazy."

Clay's eyes widened as his expression fell.

"Y—you wanna raise a cat...with—with me...?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah it could be fun." I met his gaze, "Unless someone's too lazy."

"N—no, I'll do it with you...someday, maybe..." his cheeks shined bright red.


Clay looked around then sighed.

"We should get going." He stood up then opened his hands to help me up.

I grabbed his hands and he pulled me up to my feet. When he did, our faces became inches apart, making both of our cheeks heat up.

Without thinking, I slowly raised my hand to cup his cheek, then I kissed his blush, making him gasp lightly as his eyes widened. Then I looked into his eyes while rubbing his heated cheek.

"Everything will be okay..." I sadly smiled.

Clay's eyes softened as his lips curled up.

"Everything will be okay..." He repeated to himself.

Then he rested his forehead against mine, making my stomach feel weird, like butterflies were flying in it.

A few moments later, he split apart from me while rubbing my knuckles.

"Let's go."

I nodded with a smile then the two of us walked to his car hand and hand.

Throughout the drive, my thoughts trailed to the day at school I've had. Then I remembered something.

Mr. Jay was alive and still at the school.

My eyes widened as my heart beat picked up.

"C—Clay..." I looked nervously at him.

"Yeah?" His eyebrows squished together as he met my eyes.

"Mr. Jay was at school today..."

Clay's eyes widened as he quickly hit the breaks and stopped the car, making me gasp as my head jerked a little.

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