Chapter 99 • Always

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Includes strong language.

-Y/N's POV-
After me, Nick, Punz and Tommy ate our tacos, we thanked his mom then went back to the garage to practice. When we entered, everyone took their positions again.

"Are we actually going to practice this time?"

I flipped Tommy off over my shoulder without looking at him, making Punz slightly laugh. Nick stepped closer to me.

"Just close your eyes and imagine it's just us. You got this." He smiled cutely at me.

I nodded hesitantly and took a deep breath. Nick stepped back to where he was before. I began to imagine what he told me to. Instead of being in a garage with an annoying child and a stranger, my mind teleported me to all the memories Nick and I have shared together.

The band started playing the beginning notes on Nick's signal. When it came for me to sing, I didn't back down like before. I sang effortlessly, thanks to me imagining the memories that Nick and I have shared.

The day we met, our wedding day as kids, the day I was sick, so he came over during a thunderstorm, just to make matching bracelets with me, along with watching SpongeBob. I remembered all the times he was there for me, all the times he stood up for me against Wilbur and others who hurt me. I remembered how it felt to hold his hand, how it felt to kiss him, to dance with him. Thinking of those memories made me feel so peaceful. My mind brought me to the day I realized I loved him as more than a friend. We danced in the rain, we kissed in the rain, it felt like a fairy tale.

Unfortunately, it came to the part of the song where I had to hit the higher notes. Instead of backing down, I sang with my heart. It was going perfectly until my voice cracked, just like I knew it would. My eyes shot open as all the anxiety came back.

Since I stopped singing, everyone stopped playing their instruments.

"That was incredible, Y/N!" He smiled widely at me.

"My voice cracked." I frowned.

"That's okay, we can keep practicing it. You still sounded amazing."

"For real."

"You actually have talent. I'm more talented but—"

I rolled my eyes.

"It sounded good, Y/N." He lightly smiled at me.

I lightly smiled back at him, then my eyes fell to the ground.

Suddenly, my phone chimed. While eating the tacos, I set my phone on 'Do Not Disturb' so I could enjoy the real world. Also, so that it wouldn't distract from us practicing. So, it only goes off if someone really needs me. I set it to have Clay, George, and Nick's messages only come through in an emergency.

My eyes widened at that thought. I grabbed my phone out of Wilbur's jacket and saw a text from Clay.

Hey I'm sorry for bothering you and Nick but George needs you
His parents found out he's been staying at my house
He cried earlier and didn't want to disturb you and Nick, but I feel like he needs you

My eyebrows rose as I frowned. I instantly texted back, without hesitation.

I'm on my way

I slipped my phone into my pocket and met eyes with everyone.

"I'm sorry, guys, something came up. Could I go?" I grabbed my backpack and swung it over my shoulder.

"Yeah of course."

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