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For eight months you had been apart of the Avengers keeping your dirty little secret, while living far enough away so they would never know the true horrors of your home life. You were supposed to have moved into the compound by now, but you didn't want your personal life to mix in with your work life. Tony seemed to understand, while others seemed to think you were looking down on the team dynamic. Mainly that was just Bucky. You didn't have the heart to correct him, it didn't matter. You had been living in this small cabin in the middle of nowhere for a long time now, and it was only a thirty-minute drive to work in the morning when it was just training, and Cloud, your Timberwolf animal companion liked being closer to the woods. You just got off a weeklong mission and were looking forward to getting some much-needed rest when you got out of the old pickup truck you had always kept for sentimental reasons. Cloud jumped out and took in a sniff of air.
"I can smell him, he's here" Cloud spoke to you telepathically.
"Don't attack him, he'll go away" you responded easily, walking with confidence to your front door.
"Is that your order?" he growled.
"Yes, that's an order, do not attack. We don't use our powers against those that can't help themselves. He's sick, and needs help" you reminded him.
"You shouldn't have dated him" Cloud reminded you.
"I should have listened to you" you agreed, opening the front door. You felt the punch and lost your wind falling over. Cloud growled menacingly.
"You've been avoiding me" Shawn, your ex at 6 feet tall, with dark brown hair and eyes smiled down at you as though it was a normal greeting.
"That's what the restraining order is for" you wheezed out. "Get out, or I'll call the cops again"
"You think they'll stop me from taking what's mine?" he demanded, giving you a boot in the ribs again.
"We broke up a year ago, time to get over it. Move on, get help" you moved away and blocked the next hit.
"We said forever" he yelled.
"You said forever, I said no" you pulled out your phone and hit speed dial.
"You'll come crawling back to me" he spit at you and ran out the door. Morgan, the police officer in charge of your file picked up and only said he was on his way. He knew Shawn did this often, and it needed to be documented. You heard Shawn running through the tree's before you heard him get into his car and leave somewhere off the property.
"He's going to break something one of these days" Cloud looked at you worriedly.
"I'm unbreakable" you joked pulling up your shirt to see the deep bruising already coming out. "I'll have to call in sick again tomorrow"
"I thought being an Avenger doesn't give you sick days" Cloud reminded you.
"I've been using something" you shrugged.
"Tony wants you to move onto the compound, we should go" Cloud gave an internal sigh.
"Can't, they'll find out. That would be too embarrassing" you admitted. "He'll just find me there"
"He doesn't know you're an Avenger" Cloud reminded you.
"Not yet, he still thinks I work for the lab at Shield" you grimaced and sat back against the wall. You flicked on the lights and saw that there was the word "Whore" spray painted in red across your dining room wall.
"You could just burn him with your fire abilities" Cloud suggested laying his head on your lap.
"That would make me no better than him" you shook your head.

You couldn't find the energy to move from the floor when Morgan came into the yard, and parked his car. He walked in and took in one look at you and the room and shook his head.
"We are pressing charges again, right?" Morgan demanded.
"Yes please" you nodded and he took out his phone and started taking photos of your walls and the trashed dining room.
"You changed the locks again, didn't you?" he asked softly.
"Yes" you nodded still on the floor.
"Let me see it" he nodded to you and you pulled up your shirt and he winced.
"Baby girl, you need to fight back. Damn woman, can't your wolf attack him? Its been a year I keep having to make my trip out here more than once a month. He's escalating, and I can only keep him in jail for so long" Morgan took pictures of your ribs. "You need these checked out"
"Can you just check the rest of the house for me?" you asked meekly, and he nodded. He took one look at your bedroom and started taking photos before making a call discretely. "What is it Cloud?" you asked him telepathically.
"I'll go check" he growled and padded down to your bedroom and stopped before coming back. "He put photos of you all over your room with red spray paint on it. I don't know what it says" he seemed upset. "Morgan is talking to another police officer, and he wants you to leave for the night" he warned you.
"I'll just sleep in the truck" you sighed.
"What's that baby girl?" Morgan came back out.
"If its that bad, I'll sleep in the truck" you sighed again.
"Its pretty bad, he's getting worse. Its better to stay in a hotel for a few days until we get him and put him back in jail for breaching the restraining order" Morgan knelt down beside you.
"Most places don't allow pets, and I don't go anywhere without Cloud" you shook your head.
"I know a place" he offered, and pulled out a card from his wallet. "Go get your ribs checked out on your way there"
"Why do you have this in your wallet?" you raised an eyebrow.
"Because of the last time you couldn't find a place and stayed in your truck when I told you to get out of town for a few days" he shrugged.
"Thoughtful" you mused. "Is it safe to go pack a few things?" you asked softly.
"Can't have you going in and ruining the evidence. You'll have to wait until tomorrow" he shook his head.
"Can I have my makeup bag from the bathroom?" you got off the floor gingerly.
"Go for it" he gave a small smile. "I'll have to stop by your work tomorrow to get you to sign some paperwork again"
"Just tell them you're my boyfriend again, it's working so far" you shrugged going into the bathroom and grabbing your large makeup bag that also had your toothbrush and hair supplies, as well as shampoo, body wash and conditioner.
"I really don't like using that excuse" he shook his head.
"Look, I know your married. Its just to get past security. What are they going to think if they have the police coming to see an Avenger all the time?" you rolled your eyes.
"Maybe you should tell them what's going on" he looked at you seriously.
"That's what I've been saying" you heard Cloud in your head.
"I want to keep my personal life out of my work life" you shook your head.
"Go get your ribs looked at, stay at the hotel for a few days" Morgan shook his head. "I'll see ya tomorrow"
"Thanks Morgan, you're my hero" you gave a smile and walked out and went back to your pickup.

By the time you had finished getting your ribs x-rayed, you found out they were just bruised, and you had gotten to the motel, it was well into the morning. You called Tony and told him you had insomnia again, and would be a little late coming in before you walked in and took a quick shower deciding to just wear the same clothes as the day before. Everything else was full of dirt and blood from the mission and needed to be washed. Cloud slept on the bed, that you could only dream about sleeping on at this point before you got ready for the day. He got up grumpily and followed you back out to the truck and you grabbed take out from the local diner for the two of you to share on the way to work.
When you got to the gates, they let you in easily and you saw Morgan standing against his car waiting on you. You got out of your truck and saw Bucky, Sam and Steve were outside watching Morgan curiously. You saw Morgan's badge was showing and leapt towards him and hiding it with your body, trying to block their view. You had barely remembered to turn off the truck and Cloud barked at you to be let out.
"Badge" you faked a smile and waved to the few members of the team that didn't talk to you very often, and turning your back to them again.
"Shit, sorry. I've been at your place all night. I need you to sign this. Did you get your ribs checked out?" Morgan asked, hiding his badge behind his t-shirt.
"Yeah, just bruised" you nodded, signing the official documents and statements for what felt like the thousandth time.
"We haven't found him yet, you need to stay at the hotel for now" he looked at you concerned putting his hand on your shoulder.
"Can I go get my clothes now?" you asked curiously.
"He shredded most of it" he admitted. "Its all in evidence"
"Fuck" you put your head down.
"We will get him, alright. Don't worry" he promised you.
"Thanks, now make it look good and give me a hug" you looked at him pleadingly.
"You're lucky my wife likes you" he chuckled and gave you a hug before he got in his car. You ran back to the truck and let Cloud out and started to walk into the compound.
"I thought you didn't have a boyfriend" Bucky called to you. "What's with the badge?"
"None of your business" you called back and opened the door, heading towards Tony's lab with Cloud close behind you.

"I can't stand her" Bucky glared in your direction after you walked into the compound. "Please don't put me on a mission with her"
"She ain't so bad" Sam shook his head. "I've been on lots of missions with her. She's efficient. Keeps to herself and Cloud"
"I don't get why you won't give her a chance. She's the type of dame you used to go after" Steve shook his head.
"She's too perfect, its annoying" Bucky shook his head. "Everyone is hiding something, and I bet she's hiding some dirty secret"
"Like none of us don't have skeletons in our closet? Give it up tinman" Sam shook his head. "So what, she's got a boyfriend with a badge"
"I just don't like her" Bucky shook his head.
"Feeling seems mutual, but after eight months of the way you treat her, I wouldn't like you either" Sam shrugged.
"He used to be such a ladies man" Steve chuckled.
"I can get a dame if I want to. I'm too busy workin" Bucky crossed his arms defensively.

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