Bedtime (back story) Story

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~part 80? Heh?! Where did the time go my dudes the fuck? Anyways... get used to updates not being everyday because school has started again. Also get used to me probably posting on Sundays. TW->death of a parent.


"Here you two go." Dream says, handing a hot chocolate to the two hybrid's that had just finished the roof scaffolding.

"Thanks." Toua says quietly, taking the cup without making eye contact and walking over to the couch where she then sat down.

"No thanks." Techno says.

"Take it." Dream says, basically forcing the cup into the piglin hybrid's hands.

Techno obliges and takes the hot drink that he didn't particularly want right now.

Dream gasps suddenly, having remembered something, and he turns to face the one sitting on the couch and the one starting up the fire in the fireplace. "We get to have a sleepover." Dream says excitedly.

Techno doesn't say anything as Toua nods, looking forward to that fluffy rug.

"Yay!" Dream says, jumping and doing a half turn before walking into the kitchen. "And Techno gets to tell us a story." He adds before disappearing behind the corner.

"I what?" Techno asks, head shooting up from where he'd just started the fire.

"You heard me." Dream calls from the kitchen.

Techno looks at Toua who just smiles at his pain.


"I'm not telling your two a story." Techno says, sitting down on the bed, not looking at the overly hyper Dream and the cat hybrid who no one could tell when she was tired or hyper.

"Please, Techno?" Dream pleads, jumping onto his back on the bed.

"No." Techno says, finishing taking off his socks and going to lay under the covers.

"Techno, I will push you off this bed if you don't tell us a story." Dream says, sitting up on his knees, and starting at the hybrid.

"I don't have any stories." Techno says, telling the truth; he really didn't have any stories to tell, and he wasn't very creative when out in the spot.

"Then make one up." Dream says.

"I'd rather not." Techno says. "Why don't you tell the story?"

"Because I want you to." Dream says.

Techno sighs, knowing this is the one fight he won't win, he takes a deep breath and starts the story of the three princes that Phil had told him, Wilbur, and Tommy when they were growing up.

"It all started when a certain King of the far away land of the Antarctic Empire met the lovely Queen of the Birds. She tried teaching him the language of the birds but he could only pick up on the language of crows. They fell for each other, marrying not too long after.

They loved each other. So much to the point where they had a child, with curly brown hair, brown eyes, and a cute little smile. They named him William. Prince William would grow to the age of three before his brother, Blaytech, whom had pink hair, red eyes, and seemed to like pigs quite a lot, came along.

The two brothers got along well, they had their fights, but they loved each other, a different kind of love than they felt for their parents, and a different kind of love than their parents felt for each other.

Five years passed with no big changes, until the loud, and blonde haired Theseus, came along. They loved him, deep down, even though he was annoying and intentionally got on their nerves.

Then tragedy hit. The Queen of the Birds' health had been dropping, kept a secret from the oldest of the siblings, the third not being old enough to understand anything. Then, on the same day little Theseus reached a year of age, their dearest mother, who they all loved greatly, passed on to visit the most peaceful place. A place without hurt, a place without an expectation, a place without judgment. She was gone from them, but she was in a much better place, no longer hurting, no longer suffering.

They moved on, the tragic event bringing them closer as a family. They cherished every moment they had together. Caring for each other, looking out for each other, helping one another when needed, and staying out of the way when not needed.

The King new his sons would grow up and do great things, he could just tell. He new they'd stay close to each other, no matter what. He loved his family very much. His little family. He was proud of all of them for the things they'd done, for the way they'd handled the things they'd been through, and he let them know that, every single day until they had all left the castle, out on their own quests. He still writes them to this day, and they never fail to answer." Techno finishes his story and looks at the sleeping man who had his head on his shoulder.

He looked over the end of the bed, the best he could without moving too much, and met the eyes of the cat hybrid who was listening attentively. They nodded at each other before she laid down on the rug, satisfied with its comfort level.

"Goodnight." Techno whispers.

"Goodnight." He barely hears, before slipping down under the covers and holding the man beside him closely, mind wondering to the memories he had of growing up in the care of Philza. He missed Kristen. He really did. They all did, those who knew her. He didn't have many memories of her but every single one of them were good.

~I was going to have the psychopathic side of Toua show in this chapter but then I thought... yeah too soon, so you got this instead. <3 also a little back story from Techno and Wilbur's lives... also mumza's dead... sad... but I really like my calculus class. The teacher is really cool, his voice is kinda soothing like I had a panic attack this Monday at the end of my first class then proceeded to miss my entire second class then I had calculus as my third class and it really helped. Yeah, I'm a nerd, what do you want from me? Math is cool. Anyways... hope you enjoyed and remember. You are loved and accepted here my lovelies. I fucking love you! Don't let anyone else make you think other wise. *aggressively blows a kiss at you* take it! Love you :)

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