A Sinking Feeling

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"So there are six houses here in L'Manburg that are optional for you to move into. Or you can build your own house just outside of the country's borders, or pay a fee to build within the city, or there are houses in the greater SMP that you could live in. Or you don't have to stay here, that's also an option." Tubbo says a lot of words, very quickly. They had made it back to the presidential area.

"Okay." Charlie says.

"Someone can give you a tour of the available houses." Tubbo says.

"Yeah, sure." Charlie says, going along with what the president says.

"I'll go get Jack, he helped build a lot of these buildings." Tubbo says, starting to hurry off in the direction of the town square and turning right. 

"He'll be back. He's just excited." Ranboo says.

"So what's your deal?" Tommy asks. "Why're you so weird?"

"Tommy." Ranboo loudly whispers, giving his brother the same kind of look that Philza gives him when he does something he shouldn't.

"What? I'm just curious." Tommy says. "How old are you?" 

"How old are you guys?" Charlie asks.

"I'm sixteen, and this bitch is twelve." Tommy says.

"I'm umm..." Charlie starts, but stops when he sees Tubbo coming back with a new person who's trying to keep up with his quick pace.

"Hey, hey- This is Jack. Jack this is Charlie." Tubbo says, catching Jack's arm when he starts to extend his hand for the other to shake.

"Hi." Jack says, giving Tubbo a weird look out of the corner of his eye.

"Hello." Charlie says, giving a small wave.

"Well, umm... Let's go look at some houses. I'm a realtor now." Jack says. "Right this way is a nice two story house, same style as the rest. Two bedroom, two bath, a nice living and kitchen area with a good view of the lake from the master bedroom." Jack says, leading Charlie towards the house just off to the side of the actual square of the town square on the side that is next to the lake.

"He's weird." Tommy says. "You're weird too so I'm used to it." He says, looking at Ranboo.

"Wha-" Ranboo says, slightly offended.

"Am I wrong?" Tommy asks.

"He's got a point, but I think your weird aspects are cool." Tubbo says.

"Thank you." Ranboo says.

"He never answered my question." Tommy says as they start walking towards the presidential building.

"What question?" Tubbo asks.

"It was right before you got back. He asked how old he was." Ranboo says.

"But instead of answering, he just asked how old we are." Tommy says.

"Maybe he didn't trust you. You didn't really make a very good first impression." Ranboo says.

"Hey, fuck you, bitch. I always make a good impression because I'm the best." Tommy says.

"He probably just didn't want to tell you." Tubbo says, shrugging, opening the front door of the presidential building.

"Should we trash this place too. I'm feeling rambunctious." Tommy says (did I spell that right? heh! since when can I spell? the word rambunctious btw) jumping from foot to foot.

"Have you learned nothing?" Ranboo asks. "Wait- weren't you saying something about the stage?" He asks, turning to Tubbo.

"Yeah... I was... how did you remember that when I didn't?" Tubbo asks.

Ranboo shrugs. "I don't know..."

"Weird." Tubbo says, narrowing his eyes at the taller, getting closer to him as well. "Anyways. Let's go check it out. Because there was a hole in the ground that I thought I saw something going into."

"What are we doing?" Tommy asks, having not been listening to the others.

"Going to look at the thing Tubbo saw earlier." Ranboo says, already being halfway through the door, following after Tubbo.

Tommy jogs over, and follows behind Ranboo. The two were a good distance behind Tubbo when the young man stopped.

"I could've sworn I saw a hole right here."  Tubbo says, pointing to the ground in front of him.

"Hmm..." Tommy says, detective mode activated, taking a closer look at the ground.

"What-" Tubbo starts to say, but stops when Ranboo's hand lands on his left shoulder from behind.

"Let him do his thing." Ranboo says.

Tubbo nods, waiting somewhat patiently as Tommy looks at the ground for another five minutes.

"Yeah... I've got nothin'" Tommy says, standing up and brushing off the front of his pants.

"What were you trying to see?" Tubbo asks.

"I don't know." Tommy says, laughing. He stumbles after Tubbo pushes his shoulders. He reaches out and grabs Tubbo's arm, that he still had out, when his foot starts sinking into the dirt. "What the fuck?!" He yelps, as his leg starts sinking further and further into the ground.

"Oh my god!" Tubbo says, tightening his grip on Tommy's forearm, starting to try and pull the taller out of the ground.

"What the fuck?! Tubbo! Help me." Tommy yells as Ranboo takes his other arm. "Someone get me a woman! I need to get panic married!"

"Now is not the time to joke!" Tubbo yells, while laughing lightly.

"I know, I know. I joke when I panic." Tommy says, trying to use his other leg to help pull the other out. This plan fails because that legs starts sinking, too. "Heck!"

"Should we let him fall?" Tubbo asks. "It can't be that far of a drop."

"NO! Pull me out!" Tommy yells.

"We don't know how far down it goes." Ranboo says.

"Wait- My foot is free... It's not being squished any- SHIT!" Tommy says right before the rest of the loose dirt falls around him, causing him to fall suddenly, only barley being held onto by the two younger boys. "Pull me up!"

They do as told, pulling the teen up onto solid ground. They all look over the side of the not very far drop, the hole only being deep enough for Tommy to have been a few inches from touching the bottom when hanging with his arms fully extended.

"You would've survived that." Tubbo says.

"Fuck you." Tommy says, pushing Tubbo's shoulder lightly, hands on his knees while he tries to catch his breath.


~I went back to therapy yesterday. I went back to my childhood therapist, the first one I ever went to. Him and my mom thought it would be better for me to go to a female therapist instead of a male but now I'm going back to him because I've grown to be more comfortable with men than with women. Anyways, bench trio content. It's not true bench trio unless someone gets traumatized./j Anyways, hope you enjoyed!!!! :)

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