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~TW: implied major character death, discussions of death. This one is gonna be sad so stay safe my lovlies <3 also part 2 is out now the title is "part 2 Remember ~Dreamnoblade~"


"Where?" Techno asks, kneeling on the floor by the bed between Dream's legs, head laying on his arms that lean on Dream's knees.

"I- I don't know. Somewhere dark. Somewhere without light." Dream says, tears running down his face as he looks up at the ceiling, hugging himself.

"The study?" Techno asks, keeping his sentences short as to not let Dream see that's he's breaking just as much as the other.

"I-I- yeah. Th-that-that should be-be fine." Dream says, choking on his words. "I don't want to die, Techno. I'm scared."

"I know, baby. I know." Techno says, looking up and rubbing Dream's thigh comfortingly.

"I-I-I- don't want to leave you." Dream says, shaking.

"You won't. You'll be back. As soon as possible." Techno says, trying to assure the both of them that things wouldn't go wrong.

"What about- about Toua? What's she gonna do?" Dream asks. "She can't be here, it's dangerous."

"I'll be out with her. Far enough away." Techno says.

"No. No- you- you have to be here. The sooner you revive me, the better the chances are of me not forgetting." Dream says.

"Forgetting?" Techno asks.

"Dark is a part of me, Techno. I can't live without him and they'll be taking a vital part of me. There's a high chance I forget... this... I don't want to forget this." Dream says.

"You won't. I promise. I'll be there for you, weather you forget or remember. I'll be there." Techno says, placing a soothing hand on Dream's upper arm.

"I-" Dream starts before putting a hand over his own mouth to stifle what would have been a loud sob.

"It'll be okay. I'll figure things out with Toua. You sleep. I'll stay up to make sure they don't come for you again." Techno says, pulling Dream down into a tight hug.

"I can't sleep." Dream says.

"You need to. Please." Techno says.

"I-I- fuck... I-I can t-try..." Dream says. "But not until you come back."

"That's fine with me. Get comfortable. I won't be long." Techno says, kissing both of Dream's cheeks and then his forehead before leaving the bedroom, keeping the door open.


"How about journeying to Phil's house?" Techno asks.

"No. Why would I go there?" Toua asks.

"That- okay. How about the river? You can stay there for the day?" Techno suggests.

"Why? You never told me why." Toua says.

"It's not important. You just can't be here for safety reasons." Techno says.

"That makes it sound important." Toua says, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow.

"Just- please. It's important." Techno says.

"It must be pretty important if you'd rather send me out in the woods alone instead of staying here." Toua says, uncrossing her arms.

"Please?" Techno pleads.

"Yeah. Okay. I will. But you're packing my lunch." She says before leaving the kitchen.


Morning sunshine flows through the windows on the cabin. Techno packs food for Toua's field trip, Toua packs a backpack, and Dream sits on his and Techno's bed coming to terms with what is going to happen later.

"Here. I have one more thing for you before you go." Techno says, handing the bag of food to Toua before heading down to the mine entrance level.

Techno returns, holding something behind his back that is clearly a sword or sorts given its not very hidden by the gap of his two legs.

"Here. I made it so you better like it." He says, holding the sword out to the young cat hybrid who takes it into her own hands.

"Th-anks." She says awkwardly. "I actually mean it, this is cool." She adds, not knowing how to show appreciation clearly.

"Yeah... you're welcome. Those are rubies and obsidian, that's what Phil brought that one time.

"Oh... cool. It's like my eyes." Toua says.

"That was the goal. Now. Don't break it. Also have fun and be safe and don't come back until I come get you, or a crow comes to you with intent." Techno says.

"Of course." Toua says, pulling the backpack over her shoulders and placing the sword (same one shown in the non canon extras) into the holster on her waist.

Techno gives her a side hug before watching her leave into the woods as the reality of today sinks in.


"After you." Techno says as he and Dream stand at the trapdoor to the ladder.

"I-" Dream starts but doesn't continue as he hesitantly climbs down the ladder.

"Breathe." Techno says softly from behind him.

"I- it-"

"I know. Just... just... pretend you're trying to go to sleep..." Techno says as he leads Dream over to the chair at the desk.

"But- I-" Dream struggles to speak as tears start falling down his cheeks again.

"Shh..." Techno soothes, running his hand through Dream's hair.

Theirs a silence.

"You can't be in here while it- it happens." Dream says. "It's dangerous. Just- just... turn off the light on your way up..."

"It'll be okay." Techno says, arms wrapped around his love as he holds back the tears that well up in his eyes.

"I- I'm- sc- scared." Dream says, gripping the chair arms.

"It'll be okay. It's just going to sleep and dreaming for a bit." Techno says.

"Limbo works but slower than reality." Dream says. "Please be quick."

"I will." Techno says, letting the silence settle for a bit before saying. "I love you."

"I love you." Dream says. "I- they- I'm ready."

"Okay. I'll see you when you wake up." Techno says gently, pulling back from the other and hesitating for a second before placing a gentle yet passionate kiss on the others lips.

He pulls back and wipes his now teary cheeks before walking over the ladder and switching the light off before climbing up the ladder and closing the trapdoor.


~I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me. I love you all but that's the end of part one. Part two is up now in the form of a whole new book. If there are any questions feel free to ask and I'll answer as long as the answer wouldn't spoil upcoming stuff. Hope you enjoyed part one of Remember. :)

Remember ~Dreamnoblade~ pt1Where stories live. Discover now