"Did it work?"

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~TW-> blood and fire. 


"Did you know that Dream and Techno are together?" Ghostbur asks out of no where. The three of them were now in the nether and had been for about five minutes.

"Really?" Eret asks, turning to look at Dream whose blush is visible on his ears, the rest of his face being covered by the mask.

"Yeah." Dream says.

"That's... cool. I half expected it to happen eventually given the way the two of you used to interact before... everything." Eret says.

"They're the cutest." Ghostbur says in a teasing manner.

"From what I've seen so far: they are a very cute couple." Eret says, joining in on the teasing causing Dream to blush even harder.

"How did we used to interact?" Dream asks after a few moments.

"You two used to be the supposed enemies of the SMP; fighting on opposite sides and all... I think everyone knew that you two would help each other in an instant if asked." Eret says. "It was quite cute, the way you two argued over the littlest things..."

"We used to be enemies?" Dream asks.

"I mean... sort of..." Eret says.

"That must be why he was surprised to see me... That's why he was surprised that I didn't know who he was... Then why did he start taking care of me?" Dream says to himself in a whispered voice.

They continue to search for the supplies they need for about an hour until they find the block of bone that they needed; the only thing from the nether they needed.

"Alright, let's go back." Eret says. 

They start heading back in a comfortable silence, knowing that they had everything and they just needed to do it. They had gotten honey, an orange tulip that was in a plastic bag so that it didn't wilt too much, a pumpkin, and the bone block.

"Oh, shit... I almost forgot that we need a fire resistance potion." Eret says.

"I bet Techno has some, and if you need a fresh one I bet he has the ingredients." Dream says as they return to the over world.

"It doesn't need to be fresh, I don't think. Maybe it would be best if it were fresh, and for that we need fresh ingredients" Eret says. "I'll go and get the stuff we need for that. You two can see if we have a cauldron that we can use." He says, going back into the nether to get more stuff.

"Okay..." Dream says, after Eret had already left. "Let's go find Techno."


"Hello? Techno?" Ghostbur asks, poking his head through the door that led to the new part of the house.

"What?" Techno asks, opening up the door to the already made bedroom.

"Oh- Do you have a cauldron?" Ghostbur asks, turning to look at his brother.

"Yes." Techno says, pointing to the cauldron that was, very obviously, next to the brewing stands.

"Thank you." Ghostbur says happily.


"Oh- Hello, Ranboo." Dream says, turning the corner that led to the back of the house.

"Hi." Ranboo says.

"Do you know where Techno is?" Dream asks.

"I think he's inside." Ranboo says.

"Okay. Thank you- Oh! Wait. We need your blood." Dream says.

"Umm..." Ranboo says, scared, not by the ask but by the way Dream said it so calmly.

"If it's alright with you." Dream adds, seeing the way Ranboo reacted.

"Uh... Sure?" Ranboo says, unsure of how he should answer.

"Thank you." Dream says before walking away and into the house.


"Here we are." Eret says, putting the ingredients out on the counter. He had just finished brewing the potion and had moved the cauldron closer to the middle of the room.

Techno was standing in the corner, trying not to get in the way since he had no part in this process. Ranboo was standing awkwardly just off to the side from where Ghostbur, Dream, and Eret were standing.

"What's the flint and steal for?" Dream asks.

"Oh- we need to set you on fire. That's what the fire resistance is for." Eret says in a much calmer voice than he should've.

"Oh..." Dream says, looking over at Techno nervously.

Eret starts to fill the cauldron until it's half full. They get out a small knife and starts cutting up the pumpkin. They take a small bit of the skin (?) and holds it over the cauldron. They then start to vest it, letting the pieces on the skin fall into the water, all the while saying incoherent words, that sounded other worldly, under their breath.

He then takes the honey and lets it slowly drip into the cauldron, still whispering. He then cuts small piece off of the bone block before cutting that piece until it's a fine powder. He let's it fall off of his hand and into the cauldron.

Eret stirs the mixture slowly until it's an orange hue. He then takes the petals off the tulip, one by one, crushing them before letting them fall into the mixture that he has let Dream start mixing.

Eret hands the flower's stem to Dream and tells him to put it between his teeth. Dream does so, still slowly stirring the mixture.

Eret then motions for Ranboo to come closer. Ranboo does what he's told. He holds his hand out, which Eret takes, slicing into the skin of his palm, making sure not to cut too deep but still enough to let the blood drip into the cauldron.

Eret takes the spoon from Dream's hands and instructs the masked man to may on his back. He hands Dream the potion of fire resistance and tells him to only take it right before he's set on fire.

Eret picks up an empty glass bottle and fills it with the mixture that had started to glow ever so slightly. They picked up the flint and steal before walking over to Dream who was laying on the designated part of the floor that had been replaced with stone as to not catch the whole house on fire.

Eret nodded at Dream who removed the mask and took the fire resistance potion. Eret set Dream a blaze causing Ranboo to step back closer to where Techno was. He began to pour the mixture in a specific pattern around and over the man who was currently a human torch. He continues to say other worldly words under his breath as he goes.

Once the bottle is emptied, Eret grabs the cauldron and pours the mixture over Dream, putting out the fire.

Dream sits up, coughing and wheezing to try and get the mixture out of his nose and mouth. They all stood there in silence, waiting, watching...

"Did it work?" Techno asks.


~I didn't have to search up what things are orange in minecraft nor did I have to search up how to make a fire resistance potion. I don't know what you're talking about. (I definitely did let's be honest) ANYWAYS!!! I really like this chapter also cliffhanger pog? Anyways... hope you enjoyed. I tried to work on another one of my stories so I could put it out sooner but like I'm at the climax of my depression arc so... But yeah... I'm feeling better today... maybe... I'm not completely sure but we're taking it one day at a time and seeing how it goes. :)

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