Any Later and...

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~Space Ghost Coast to Coast by Glass Animals is such a good song like just like what? Like who thought they could make even better songs than they already have. Like- 0_0 TW->animal death


"Stay out here and keep watch." Techno says, walking up his old cabin, his senses on high alert.

They had been walking for a long while, the sun had risen about two hours ago. Neither of them had slept, at all, in the past four days. Ranboo scanned the area, hoping he remembered the way to the prison correctly.

Techno emerges from the cabin, a bag in hand. He nods for Ranboo to lead the way, which the tall child does. He starts to walk towards the South woods. Techno follows, making sure to keep an eye out for that creature. It lived in the North woods but that doesn't mean it couldn't be here right now.

The walk is silent for the fact that Ranboo is concentrating and Techno doesn't feel like socializing: it takes too much energy. Energy he was lacking greatly.

Techno could tell that Ranboo was struggling to stay up and alert, but that he was also determined. Determined to get his father back. Techno liked how Ranboo cared about Phil, he was glad that Phil could have another son so he didn't focus solely on his other son, the one in exile. Techno new that the absence of the annoying blonde was eating Phil alive, and he felt sorry for Phil.

The voices also liked these facts, for very different reasons.

"If we killed Ranboo, Phil would hate us and we'd get to be the villain. We'd get to prove our strength instead of people helping us constantly. That is what we want. Yes. We would get to be against people instead of being on the same side as everyone else. I want to be the villain again. I think everyone is against us right now. We have too many people on our side. This socializing is tiering. You've got a point... They could turn against us at any moment. We're taking in too many people all at once. We don't know if we can trust all of them. We need to distance ourselves. Why is Techno getting attached to Ranboo? I think Dream has made him soft. He wants children. HE WANTS CHILDREN?! I guess he does. The more the merrier. Yeah. So we can kill them. No. So that we have an army. What is happening? Finally a reasonable voice. Are you guys getting murderous again? Of course we are. We wouldn't be Techno's voices if we weren't."

Techno's voices had gotten darker over the past few days. They were the reason for his lack of sleep. Dream would ask him what they were saying and he'd just say that that they were saying the usual. He tried not to dwell on what they were saying, he didn't want them to take over his mind again. That's the last thing he needed right now.

Techno followed Ranboo, not paying attention to his surroundings, only half being there as his voices got louder. It was hard to quiet them down when he was this exhausted. If he interacted with them, they'd only get worse. If he did nothing, they'd get too loud. He needed to quiet them.

He stabbed his sword into a rabbit that was hiding in the bushes. A few other rabbits scurried around and he stabbed them as well, now he had a sword with skewered rabbits on it. He looked at the rabbits, the voices quieted down slightly at the sight. He removed the rabbits, one by one, laying them along the edges of the path.

Techno looked up to meet the horrified eyes of Ranboo. He glared at the boy who turned back around quickly, continuing to walk.

They reached the mountain after about another two hours. Techno looked around for any sign of another person. Handing Ranboo an invis potion. They both take one before walking over to the entrance, Ranboo leading the way.

Ranboo pushed the hidden button, causing the door to open. They enter and are met with the same dark room. Techno takes out a night vision potion and takes it, handing one to Ranboo as well.

Techno listens carefully, closing his eyes to heighten his other senses. He started walking around the room, listening down the different tunnels before stopping suddenly at one, he starts walking down it before remembering Ranboo can't see him.

"This way." He whispers, tapping his foot slightly for Ranboo to follow.

They walk down the tunnel as quietly as possible, Techno still listening closely, his ears twitching every once in a while after hearing the smallest sound of chains.

They continue, only stopping when they reach a fork in the tunnels. There were two different options, Techno listen closely to both. He decided to go down the tunnel on the right.

He turned around and went back once he stopped hearing the, somehow more distant, sound of chains.

They went down the other tunnel and found an obsidian wall.

"Stay out here so we don't get locked in." Techno says.

He pushes the button and the doors open to a room of full quarts, not too different from the other one. This one had a wall of lava on the other side. Techno pushed a button that caused the lava to stop, only for a small amount of time. He took out his sword and positioned it so that it put continuous pressure on the button.

He then entered the fully obsidian room. There laid Philza Minecraft. His face was burned from the constant heat that the lava brought. He was on curled up and looked like he had been thrown there, and never moved again. Techno slowly walked over to the man whose ankles were shackled to the wall, as well has his hands. His hands were also connected to his ankles via a two foot chain.

He checked for a pulse. There was one. He slowly turned Phil so that he could properly look at his face, that had previously been smushed into the hard floor.

Techno took his ax out and cut the chain connecting his wrists and ankles first before breaking the one connecting him to the wall. Techno then broke the shackles around his wrists and ankles. Phil just laid there, as still as before.

Techno carefully pours a small mount of water into the man's mouth. Phil swallows, telling Techno that he's still respondent. Techno gives Phil a few more sips on water before picking up the weak man and walking through what once was a wall of lava. He tried to ignore the voices wants of death as he took his sword back.

He knocked on the obsidian wall that then opened. Ranboo's eyes widen in horror at the sight of his mostly unmoving father.

"He's alive. Just barely." Techno says, to which Ranboo doesn't say or do anything, just starts leaving. Techno follows close behind, their invis and night vision having worn off.

They walked the distance to the cabin without much problem.

"Let's rest here for the night." Techno says, motioning towards the cabin he once called home. Ranboo nods, walking up to the cabin and opening the door. 


"What do you mean: Ranboo's not on our side?" Eret asks in shock at what Dream had just told them.


~Oop- Cliffhanger pog? I'm so sorry, I don't mean to leave you on a cliffhanger it just kind of happened... I love you guys <3 I hope you enjoyed... :)

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