Foolish Slime Puddle

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~Heh- Sorry I didn't update yesterday... I was kinda busy with my brain hyperfixating on cross-stitch. But it's a really cool idea that we've had and it includes the DreamSMP members and we're testing it with my own Minecraft skin (which is also Toua) so I'll definitely show y'all what we mean when I finish at least one. While reading this, keep in mind that the three (four if you count Eret) who went to that cave have individually chosen not to talk about what they witnessed in that cave. smile.


"Alright." Tommy says glaring at the man in a beanie in front of him. "If you insist you haven't been anywhere..."

"Okay, Tommy." Phil says, pulling the teen back a few inches because he was leaning rather close to the other.

"Where might we find Karl Jacobs?" Tommy asks.

"His job at the prison." Quackity says, pointing in the general direction of the prison.

"Thanks, bitch." Tommy says jokingly.

"Thank, you." Phil says in a nicer way that his son had.

"How many people still live in houses here?" Tommy asks as they walk past empty houses that once belonged to the people currently in prison.

"Ah-" Ranboo yelps when someone collides with him, sending him to the ground and the person in the opposite direction.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I was in such a rush I didn't think to look for someone else." The person, now recognized as Foolish, says, extending his hand to the young hybrid.

Ranboo takes the man's hand and stands up, muttering something about not needing to apologize.

"Why are you in such hurry?" Phil asks.

"Oh! I've been asking around to see if anyone has seen Puffy lately." Foolish says, seeming to remember just then that he was doing that.

"Well last I saw her was when we rescued Eret. I don't remember her following us so maybe she's still there." Phil says, shrugging.

"Where?" Foolish asks.

"Uh... Not entirely sure exactly where, if I'm being honest, mate." Phil says. "I know it's in that... no, that's not- oh yeah- That direction." He says, pointing in the direction he believes they came from.

"Okay, thank you, Phil." Foolish says before starting to walk away.

"Wait- Why are you looking for her?" Phil asks.

"Well I haven't seen her in a while and she wasn't at her house and I hadn't heard from her in a while either and I was worried that something bad might have happened to her." Foolish says very quickly.

"Well, I don't recommend trying to look for her on your own. That place was pretty dangerous." Phil says.

"What place?" Tommy asks.

"You don't need to know." Phil says. "I'm just saying that maybe it's not the best idea to go looking for her."

"Then what do I do? Just wait?" Foolish asks.

"I don't know, mate." Phil says. "We have to get going but keep in mind..." Phil trails off, turning to look at his children to tell them to keep going before leaning closer to Foolish and whispering. "If you go looking for her, you might, no, you will die. We almost died and we had her with us and she knew how that shit worked. I think about that place constantly and it's not a pleasant thought. Not a good memory. She could very well be dead, and I don't mean to sound cryptic, but that place in evil. Not safe. Don't go." He finishes by nodding and waiting for the other to nod back before walking after his two sons.

"What the hell did you say to him?" Tommy asks, seeing how the man is still standing there, frozen in place, seemingly more pale than before.

"It doesn't concern you, keep walking" Phil says, turning Tommy around by his shoulder and pushing him lightly to get him to keep walking. "You too." He says to Ranboo who was also staring back at the man.

Ranboo turns around and starts walking.


"Tubbo, my boy. Big Tubs. Where have you been the past few weeks?" Tommy asks the last part in a way more serious and quick voice than the first part.

"Oh- Well... Uh..." Tubbo says, he had been approached at not the best time as he was currently dealing with the mess of slime that had randomly shown up at some point the previous night.

"We've not got all day, Tubs." Tommy says, leaning his hand on a shovel that was sticking out of the ground. "What the fuck's all this?" He asks, only just not realizing the mass amount of slime that was strewn across the grass.

"I have no idea how this all got here but it's like, soaked into the dirt and it's gross, so I'm digging it out and replacing it with new dirt." Tubbo says.

"Why's there so much?" Ranboo asks.

Tubbo shrugs his shoulders. "Umm... I've been all over the place: here, town square, the castle, the prison, the shore line, the fishing dock, I've been to Techno's a few times-"

"How many times?" Tommy cuts in.

"Twice." Tubbo says. "Once with Jack and the other with you two."

"Mhm... Sure." Tommy says.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Tubbo asks, seeing the look that Tommy is giving him.

"Nothing, nothing." Tommy says. "If those are the only places you've been..."

"Stop talking like that, what's going on? Is there something I should know about?" Tubbo asks.

"It's okay, Tubbo." Ranboo says, not liking that his friend was getting all worked up. "Something happened at Technoblade's house and we're trying to get to the bottom of it."

"Something? What happened?" Tubbo asks, calming slightly due to Ranboo's surprisingly soothing voice. (what can I say? Nothing. because it's true.)

"Explosives." Tommy says. "Planted ones."

"Explosives?!" Tubbo exclaims.

"Yeah." Tommy says.

"Well let me come with you, I need to know what going on." Tubbo says.

"What about all this?" Phil asks.

"Oh..." Tubbo says, looking down at the slime covered grass.

"I'll help you then we can catch up with you guys after." Ranboo says.

"Fine by me." Tommy says. "As long as I don't have to deal with it."

"If you want to. We'll be at the prison for when you get done." Phil says, waving before walking off towards the prison with Tommy.


~God... Phil got dark all of a sudden. Darkza? Trauma and I right *high five* also why were there two different lore points within this one chapter? Who said that was okay? Anyways... hope you enjoyed :)

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