Maybe the voices are right...

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~Go listen to ESTELLA// by Kenny Hoopla. It's a good song.


"I'm taking the bed this time." Techno says, pulling Dream by the arm off of his bed.

"Why can't we both sleep in it?" Dream asks, sitting back down on the bed.

Techno gives him a weird look, his face heating up in the process.

"It's a king size bed for fuck's sake!" Dream says, putting his arms out and flopping back on his back.

"Whatever. Just stay on your side of the bed." Techno says, walking to the other side of the bed.

"Yay!" Dream exclaims excitedly while Techno curls up under the covers facing away from said excited person who was slightly bouncing on the bed.

"Will you stop shakin' the bed?" Techno says more than asks.

"No." Dream says, booping the nose of the Piglin hybrid who had turned his head to glare at him.

Dream eventually lays down, facing Techno, but on the opposite side of the bed.


Techno had a hard time falling asleep staying in the same position for so long. He turned onto his back and stared at the ceiling for a while before turning his head to look at Dream.

Dream was fast asleep, he had taken his mask off for the first time since last night. Techno could see his beautiful face again. He was close enough to just reach out and caress his face.

"Oh my god! Do it Techno! Why would I touch his face? Because you love him. I don't love him. Then explain the Blood God himself taking in his enemy and then proceeding to help him. Dream and I aren't enemies. Because you care about him. Yeah, Techno, you can't bring yourself to hate him. I can hate him. Then why haven't you ever hated him? I have. And you don't anymore? No. I do still hate him! Then why are you messing with his hair?"

Techno had reached out and started messing with Dream's surprisingly soft hair without him noticing.

"I don't know... Exactly... You wanna fuck him- Why have you been making so many potato muffins? I do not want to fuck him! Yeah, why do you keep making potato muffins? Because he likes them and I just- Exactly. You like Dream. You do wanna fuck- Shut up! Fine, whatever. It's the truth... It's not. Whatever you wanna tell yourself buddy. You should tell him. No. Yeah! You should tell him how you feel. I'm not telling him. At least he's not denying his feelings anymore."

As Technoblade's voices continued to talk he focused on the sleeping Dream in front of him. He ponders if the voices are right. The tries to think in a space of his mind that the voices can't reach. He only found out about this section after he left the lands of the Dream SMP.

Techno was so focused on Dream's hair that he didn't realize Dream was awake until he looks back down at the green eyes. He freezes, face heating up as Dream smiles.

Dream scoots slightly closer to Techno who just stays in place, unsure of what to do and how to react. Dream continues to scoot closer when Techno doesn't push him away. He stops moving once his head in laying on Techno's chest and he's curled up in a ball beside him.

Techno hesitantly puts his arm, previously reaching out to Dream, around Dream's shoulders. Dream pulls the blanket up, almost to the point of it covering his face. Technoblade looks back up at the ceiling sighing.

He falls asleep as the voices start freaking out again.


Technoblade wakes up the next morning, his side noticeably colder than it was last night. He looks around, seeing both Dream and his mask gone.

He sleepily gets up and walks out to the main room seeing the light in the storage room on.

"Dream?" He says, walking into the room and seeing the trap door open as well.

He climbs down and still doesn't see Dream. He does, however, notice a slightly crinkled piece of paper on the desk. 

Dream SMP Questions
     Community house? Is that the building with crafting tables as a floor? Maybe...
     What's the holy lands and why does it sound so familiar?
     Why do I remember a kid? Who is the kid?
     What is Gay Castle and why is it so prominent in my brain?
     Why did your face change when I said that Sapnap and I are like brothers?
     Why What is L'manburg? Is that even what it's called?

Was written on the paper using the quil that Dream was messing with yesterday. The handwriting was sloppy but it wasn't the worst Techno had seen. His ears twitched at the sound of the front door slamming shut.

"Dammit-" He heard Dream say.

He climbed back up the ladder to see Dream standing there with snow on his hoodie. He's shaking the snow off of his mask and onto Techno's floor which Techno visibly cringes at.

"Why're you making a mess?" Techno asks, annoyed.

"Because it was snowing outside and It wouldn't have done much good shaking snow off in the snow." Dream says, putting the mask back on.

"You do know that there's a sink right in there?" Techno says, pointing towards the kitchen.

"Yeah... I knew that..." Dream says, obviously not having thought of that.

It's now that Technoblade notices the handful of pink flowers in Dream's hand.

"Umm... I-uh... got these for you... I saw them a little after a woke up in the woods..." Dream says, holding the flowers out to Techno nervously.

Techno slowly walks over and takes the flowers while trying to stay as far away from Dream as possible. "Thanks..." Techno says, awkwardly.

"Umm... did you see my umm- paper?" Dream asks.

"You're paper?" Techno asks.

"Oh- I thought you would've seen it since you were down there..." Dream says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh yeah... the paper with questions on it..." Techno says.

"Yeah..." Dream says before they fall into an awkward silence with neither of them looking at each other.

"Did you want to- did you want me to answer those this morning?" Techno asks, mentally scolding himself for messing up his sentence.

"Y-yeah." Dream says. "I already had breakfast so I'll just... wait down there..."

"Okay..." Techno says, walking into the kitchen to grab a cup to put the flowers in.

He fills the cup with water and puts the flowers in it, setting it on the table before grabbing a leftover muffin and heading down to the library where Dream is sitting in his chair, waiting.


~So I decided to put out another chapter today... Kinda didn't want to stop this chapter because it's just too good... anyways... maybe the voices are right... maybe there will be some more romance soon... who knows? I don't... I mean I know what I want to do but I don't know when it'll happen because I just kinds go with the flow of where my writing takes me. Anyways... hope you enjoyed :)

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