"No" Takebacks

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~Y'all I have so many ideas for more fanfics... 0_0 but umm... My brain really dislikes the idea of not updating this story everyday like I have been but imma just have to deal with it.


For twenty-seven hours they traveled. They're second break had been for two hours to give them time to at least attempt to sleep, the other two were thirty minute breaks to recuperate and rest their legs. 

They had arrived at the edge of L'Manburg. They were unseen by the patrolling guards, Sam and Purpled. They were about to head off to their assigned places. They had seen the newly built houses and decided to send Eret, Ranboo, and Tommy over to clear them out. Techno would take the attention away from them while they got the citizens to safety.

Phil was to go to the other side of the former L'Manburg, the side with more coverage, and release the withers if necessary. Techno would give him a signal if it was needed.

Dream would go above, far enough for the TNT to fall and not blow up mid air. Techno would give him a different signal if they needed the TNT.

The plan was somewhat flawless. They were going to get L'Manburg back, as much as Tecchno hated government, he knew how much this meant to Ghostbur, who would be staying close to Techno the whole time to ensure his safety. Even though Ghostbur couldn't take damage from others he could, very well, be taken hostage again. He knew how much this meant to all the people he cared about: Dream, Phil, even though he hated the man's guts right now, Ranboo, even though he wanted the child to die and for it to be at his hands, and, as much as he hates to admit it, Tommy.

This had to work. If it didn't, there wasn't much else they could do...

Techno ran across the guard's line of sight, with Ghostbur following close behind, after the others had had enough time to get where they needed to go.

The two guards sent out a signal to the others as they ran quickly yet cautiously towards where the blurry figure had gone. They turned the corner to find no one. However, there was a spotty trail of blue on the ground. They looked at each other and started following the trail. It got spottier and spottier as it continued but it was still visible.

After seeing the signal that there was someone on the grounds, Sapnap and Niki started checking around the new houses. They find no one but continue to look around. Suddenly, a firework goes off on the other side of L'Manburg and while the two are looking away they're attacked from behind by none other than Tommy, Ranboo, and Eret. Their eyes widen at the sight of their full netherite and their enchanted weapons. It was a fair two-vs-three.

Phil starts to let the withers go at the sight of the firework in the sky. They start going after him at first but move on after they notice he isn't a threat, and that his feeding their new army. They flood into the city of L'Manburg where George and Ponk at stationed. The two send a panic signal into the air when they see ten withers flying at them.

Techno sends several fireworks at the two chasing him. A few of them land but don't stop the people, just slow them down. He draws his sword and proceeds to one-vs-two the two guards. Somewhat easily getting the upper hand. He spares them but takes them hostage. He binds their hands behind their backs and walks them to the main area of L'Manburg.

Eret runs after Niki, who had started to run towards the panic signal. They both stop when they see the shear amount of withers that fill the sky. Eret quickly takes this chance to bind Niki's hands behind her back, as Techno had wanted them to do instead of killing them.

Tommy and Ranboo were one-vs-two'ing Sapnap, and they got the upper hand quickly. They tie Sapnap's hands behind his back and walked him over to the where Eret and Niki stood. They all watched in shock as the withers chased George and Ponk. Dream drops down into the water just in front of where George and Ponk were running. He gave them a mocking head tilt, saying something the people watching couldn't hear, before taking a rope out and tying George's hands behind his back, and tying Ponk's one arm to George's arm.

Phil emerges from his spot as Techno walks into the lands with both Sam and Purpled. Dream, Techno, and Eret keep watch over their new captives as Ranboo, Tommy, and Ghostbur go to let the people of L'Manburg out of their cells.


~Woah... there was no dialouge in this chapter. Kinda wierd ngl. Anyways. You know Techno's stream from when he got trapped in the prison with Dream. That whole thing just fed my Dreamnoblade addiction ngl. I just watched that earlier today too like... Reeeee- Umm... Some of the guys who are working on putting the pool in at my house are fine. Like.... F I N E. Like... omg... They're all like at least their mid to late twenties but like still... they're fine. Anyways... I hope you enjoyed this chapter. (I didn't proofread this. I'm tired.) :)

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