Curious Endermen and Strange Creatures

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~Okay. (To get the full effect of the letter you should read on the computer because it will be all fucked on a phone....... it's the same information just not the full effect you know...) (Also. Still #1 on Dreamnoblade. I can't even believe it. Y'all are the best <3 {Aight enough sappy shit, let's get into this my lovlies}) trigger warning->mentions of self harm.


"How are you today?" Sam asks in a bored and teasing manner.

Ghostbur was floating in the relative center of the obsidian room. He looked over his shoulder and looked at Sam with a dark side eye. Sam hadn't checked on Ghostbur in a few days given the fact that Ghostbur didn't have to eat, being a ghost and all. It showed; the ghostly figure was much darker in appearance, having what looked like blood on his hands and his wrists where it looked like he had been scratching at them. Ghostbur's eyes were also visibly darker in color; being almost completely black instead of the soft brown that was restricted to the iris.

"Good." Sam says, dropping something on the floor. Ghostbur couldn't quite tell what it was. He was losing his ability to see colors, being stuck in a room with little amounts of light and walls that were dark.

"Blue?" Ghostbur asks, voice extremely distant and seeming to echo into the void instead of out into the world.

Sam nods before taking a step back, allowing the ghost to float over and quickly take the blue before quickly floating away and holding the blue like it would be taken away at any moment.

Sam puts his hands up in a 'hey I'm not doing anything' manner and leaving.

Ghostbur floats over to a corner and crushes all the blue in his hands getting it all over the floor and himself in the process.


"Phil!" Ranboo yells from the window where he always sat in the mornings to watch the sun rise.

"Yes?!" Phil yells from upstairs.

"There's a letter!" Ranboo yells, causing Philza to run down the stairs and snatch the piece of folded paper from Ranboo's hands.

"Hey!" Ranboo says, offended by Phil's actions.

Phil was, very obviously, hiding the letter from Ranboo's curious eyes. He threw the paper into the fire and walked up the stairs without saying a word. 

Ranboo very quickly grabbed the, not yet completely burned, paper from the fire, burning his hands in the process. He set the paper on the table and quickly put his hands in the cauldron of water to sooth the pain; all while trying to stay silent so Phil wouldn't know that he was going behind his back like a sneaky little crime boy.

Phil came back down the stairs and Ranboo grabbed the paper quickly, putting it and his burned hands behind his back. Phil gave him a skeptical look before tying another piece of paper to a crow's leg and saying something, Ranboo couldn't understand, to it before it left.

"I'm going to go check on a few things. I should be back by dinner but if I'm not then you can make food for yourself, right?" Phil says.

"Yeah." Ranboo says, his voice nervous.

"Is something wrong, Ranboo?" Phil asks, putting his hand on Ranboo's shoulder comfortingly.

"Nope! Everything is fine." Ranboo says in a very convincing liar voice.

"Okay..." Phil says, chuckling to himself. "Try not to burn the house down while I'm gone." He adds, opening the door.

"Bye." Ranboo says as Phil closes the door and leaves. "Okay..." Ranboo says to himself as he looks over the piece of paper he had saved.

Only the right half of the paper was still in tack and there were burn marks over most of it and holes in places. 

     _____ ___ __________ __mething ver_ i__ortant. He wrote it on a _____ __ _____ ____ __ ____ __re before _eaving. I'm _____ _o go _______ ___ ___ ___ _ _______ you should kno_.
     __ ____ ____ __ _________ walking into the castle and eve_y__e ____ ________ ____ ____ ____ ____g and looking a_ him.
     __ ___ ___ ____ _______ ___t means but if ___ can possibly find ________ ___ ____ _____ __ __eat.
     ____ __ ___ ____ _____ _____e keeping Gh__tbur?

Ranboo tried his best to read what he could but it was near impossible to get anything from what was written.

He got out his journal, that he wrote things to remember in, and wrote down what he thought was being said in the letter.

     something very important that someone wrote before leaving. Something Phil should know. Walking into the castle. Looking at him. Something Phil can find. Ghostbur. From Technoblade.

"What does any of that mean?" Ranboo thinks.


"Dream?!" Techno had been searching for a good seven hours by now. He was making sure to check all the trees for the masked man.

"Dream?!" Techno had reached the river they were at the other day. He saw something move, at the top of the hill on the other side of the river from him, when he yelled.

"Dream?" Techno asks, taking his ax out just as a precaution. 

The figure at the top of the hill moved again and it must have turned around because Techno saw glowing orange and blue eyes. Not just one set either; there were twenty eyes in total.

"Shit." Techno says, turning and running. Not many things scared the Blood God, but this did. It was unlike any other mob in the entirety of the world. This was something that was created by man.  He'd seen it a few times and had seen what it could do to a human, or any living being for that matter. 

"What if it got Dream?! Oh my god, fuck! Techno you have to save the love of your life who might possibly be with that thing! The chances of him being over there are slim. But not zero. I'm not risking my life until I know for sure it has him. Fine. Let Dream suffer. Oh that would be fun to watch. Not Dream getting killed but just someone in general getting killed by that thing. Yeah, we haven't seen anything get killed by that in a while. We've only seen it kill one thing. That's enough to get us excited to see it again."

Techno shakes his head as the voices start getting riled up about the idea of death; something they hadn't done in a long while.

As Techno continued running, making weird turns around trees, he saw Dream standing still in front of a tree. Techno ran towards him and grabs his arm pulling him with him.

"What the fuck?!" Dream yelps in surprise.

"We have to go." Techno says, not letting go of Dream's arm. 

Dream stops, causing Techno to stop too. "Why?" He asks.

"You don't want to know. We just have to go. Right now." Techno says, hearing the harsh yet quiet sounds of the things' four legs.


"No. We have to go now. Stop asking questions and just run." Techno says, dragging Dream by the arm as he starts running again. Dream gets the memo and starts running with Techno, easily keeping up with the strong legs of the piglin hybrid.

Dream had adjusted his arm, that was in Techno's grip, so that they were holding hands as they sprinted through the forest and back to Techno's cabin.


~My lip was bleeding yesterday and it tasted good... My lips have been raw ever since I tried this new lipstick, it says super stay and it wasn't fuckin around... It took for frickin ever to get off, I'm surprised my lips weren't bleeding then... I had to leave in the "___" in the letter to get the spacing right... Deal with it.

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