A Search For Friend

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~TW->Panic attack-ish. Umm... let's pretend "the day's spent rebuilding" means that like three days has passed.


The day's spent rebuilding the small country of L'Manburg seemed to stretch on and on. Long days either out in the hot summer sun or inside hot buildings that had yet to have air conditioning installed.

Technoblade made sure that Ghostbur stayed with him and Dream while making sure no one un wanted came near either Ghostbur or Dream.

"I want you to bring Wilbur back." Techno says as the two of them lay in bed together.

"It's up to him. It is his life." Dream says. "He'll let me know when he decides."

"What if he forgot?" Techno asks.

"Could he have forgotten already?" Dream asks.

"Maybe." Techno says, shrugging.

"I don't want to push it on him if he doesn't want to. It's a big decision." Dream says.

"Yeah... I know." Techno says. "Come here." He adds, lifting the covers up slightly so that Dream could scoot closer to him.

"I love you." Dream says, voice muffled by Technoblade's chest.

"Goodnight, Dream." Techno says, burying his face in Dream's hair.

"Goodnight, love." Dream says.

Not even thirty seconds later, Ghostbur is in their room searching for something.

Techno opens one eye and looks at him.

"What are you-" He begins to ask.

"Have you seen Friend?" Ghostbur frantically asks.

"No." Techno says, more as a question.

"Oh goodness... Where could he be?" Ghostbur asks, looking under the bed. "Is he under the covers with you?"

"No." Techno says, shaking his head.

"Oh where- oh where could he be?" Ghostbur asks.

"Could he be at Phil's?" Techno asks, still laying in bed, holding Dream.

"I already checked there." Ghostbur says, starting to panic.

"Hey, hey. Calm down. Deep breaths." Techno says, untangling his and Dream's limbs and sitting up. "Where's your blue?"

"Down-down stairs." Ghostbur says.

"Okay. Let's go get it. Come on." Techno says, extending his hand to his ghostly brother who takes it, somewhat holding it while Techno leads them downstairs. "Here." He says, handing Ghostbur some of the blue that was on the kitchen table where he'd left it.

"Th-thank yo-u." Ghostbur says, hiccupping a bit.

"What's wrong?" Dream asks, coming down the stairs. He was half asleep when Ghostbur had come into the room and his brain hadn't processed what was happening until now.

"Friend is gone!" Ghostbur yells, voice breaking as he loses his ability to stay calm.

"Oh my god." Dream says, rushing over. "We'll find him. It'll be okay." He says, sitting on the table next to the ghost.

"I swear to god if it was that little-" Techno starts to say.

"Not now, Techno." Dream says. "We need to look everywhere. DO you think you can do that, Ghostbur?"

"Uh-huh." Ghostbur says, nodding, ghost tears falling down his face and onto his yellow sweater that was stained blue and red.

"Okay, let's go." Dream says, standing up. "Should we split up and search-"

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