"You're lying!"

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~#23 on Dreamnoblade pog? Anyways... I wasn't going to do a new part today but then I was like, yeah we're doing a new part. Soooooooo here's that.


"Twenty-one?!" Dream yells, pushing himself off the island he was leaning on and standing there for a second before his hands are in his hair and he's pacing in front of Techno who now has a concerned look on his face.

"I couldn't have been out for that long! No. You have to be joking. What the hell?!" Dream yells as he continues pacing at a slightly more rapid pace.

"I'm not messin' with you, Dream. You're twenty-one." Technoblade says calmly.

"No. No, no, no, no, no. No." Dream says, more to himself than to Techno. "No! I don't even know you! You're just some weird guy who I blindly trusted just because you're pretty!" Dream says, turning and pointing to Technoblade.

Techno's default expression falters a little at the last part, but he quickly regains his composure before Dream can notice. "Listen, Dream. You lost two thirds of your memory. It's not my fault!" He yells the last part as he looses his temper.

"No! You're lying!" Dream says,  voice getting less and less angry and more desperate as he grasps at anything else but the truth. "You're lying to me... This- I couldn't have- You're lying."

"Dream..." Techno says, shocking  himself at the sudden softness in his own voice.

"I-" Dream says, looking at the ground as if it'll give him some sort of explanation.

"You..." Techno starts, hesitantly putting his hand on Dream's left shoulder. Techno thinks for a second before sighing, "We... Can figure this out. We'll get to the bottom of this."

Dream looks up at Techno, who has an awkward looking sympathetic look on his face, with a slightly hopeful and thankful look on his face.

Suddenly Techno is wrapped up in Dream's sudden hug. His instincts kick in and he pushes Dream away. Dream's hopeful face turns into one of hurt and worry.

"I'm- I'm sorry... I- didn't mean to make you feel- umm- I'm so sorry." Dream stammers out.

"It's okay... I'm just not used to- umm- human con-tact..." Techno says awkwardly.

They stand there, in the kitchen, in the most awkward silence known to mankind until Techno finally breaks the silence.

"I'm gonna- go for a- for a walk... I'll be back..." He says, pointing behind him with his thumb before taking an ax from the display of weapons by the door and leaving.


Dream lets out a sigh of relief as he hears the door close. His shoulders relax and he leans against the island again.

"You were really out for that long... Why don't you remember any of it? Why were you in the woods all the way out here if you fell in the dessert?" Dream's thoughts run wild as he leans on the island. Eventually, he shakes his head to stop the thoughts and decides to explore the house.

He first opens the door to the left of the kitchen. It's a pretty dark room with no windows, it's a little smaller than the living room. It has chests all along the walls, there are a few armor stands with enchanted netherite on them, and in the middle of the room is a trapdoor.

He walks over to the trapdoor, leans down, and opens it. It's a hole, big enough for a latter and one person to go down. He can't quite tell how deep it goes but there is at least two more levels down, judging by the bits of light that bleed into the hole.

Dream decides to explore that another day. For now, he opens the door next to the bathroom. He's greeted with a room bigger than the living room. There's a king size bed against the right wall, a closet in the left back corner, there are fancy lamps on the bedside tables that seem to be made of pure gold, the bed is unmade but still looks very fancy, and the same color scheme of the rest of the house applies here. There is a huge rug on the floor, at the foot of the bed, that looks fuzzy as all hell.

Dream walks into the room and sits on the bed. He lets out a sigh at the  shockingly  comfortable mattress. He lays down on his back and looks at the ceiling where he sees a gold chandelier hanging in the middle of the vaulted ceiling. He closes his eyes and before he knows it, he's fast asleep, having not really slept in the three or so days he'd been out there.


~Awkward pog? Anyways I hope you enjoyed this because I sure did (that sounds wrong but like whatever) anyways... Why do I say "anyways" so much? anyways... :)

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