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~We've been #1 in Dreamnoblade all week and I still can't believe it. I love you guys <3 warning->descriptions of blood/self harm.


"I want to come with you." Ranboo says; he's been begging Phil to let him go with him, on his search for Ghostbur, all morning. (This is the same morning as last chapter...) 

"No." Phil says for either the tenth or twentieth time. Phil was running around the house making sure he had everything he needed while Ranboo followed, getting in the way at times.

"Please?" Ranboo asks.

"No." Phil says, taking a pickaxe off the wall and putting it on his belt.

"Why can't I go with you?" Ranboo asks, crossing his arms.

"For the same reason I told you the three other times you asked me why." Phil says.

"Because it's dangerous?" Ranboo asks to which Phil nods. "I can take care of myself. I know how to fight." Ranboo says.

"My answer is no, Ranboo." Phil says, crossing his arms as well.

"Please?! Phil please?!" Ranboo asks, getting more frustrated by the second. ("I'll pick up a grass block in spite!" why am I debating on having Ranboo say that?)

"No. That's my final answer." Phil says. 

"Phil..." Ranboo says in a sad tone. "Please..."

"I- you little-" Phil says before sighing; Ranboo always got his way when he did this. "Fine... But you have to listen to what I say. Okay?"

"Yes, sir." Ranboo says before they leave the house.


They both take invis potions before hiding in some bushes a good distance away from the front entrance of the castle.

"Alright. If you see Sam come out somewhere on this side say: up. Then this crow will go up in the air to let me know that you saw him. I'll be on the other side so keep a look out for a bird on that side as well." Phil says.

Ranboo nods. 

"Okay... If anyone makes any recognition of someone possibly being here, where you are, you run. Got it?" Phil says in a serious tone.

"Got it." Ranboo says. 

"If you're invis runs out then take another. We might not see Sam at all today and if that's the case then we'll come back tomorrow and do it all again." Phil says.

"Okay." Ranboo says.

"Okay..." Phil says before standing up. "Please be safe." He adds before running off to the other side of the castle where he sets up by some trees.


It's almost sundown and still no sign of Sam, or anyone else. That's when Phil sees a crow flying straight into the air on the other side of the castle. He picks his stuff up and sprints towards the other side of the castle where he sees Sam walking towards the woods from the left side of the castle; that Phil had run towards.

He stops and looks closely for the particles that Ranboo would be giving off due to the invis potion. He spots his son and quickly yet quietly makes his way over to him.

"Let's follow." Phil says quietly, making Ranboo jump.

They follow Sam, at a good distance, while he winds his way through the woods, making strange turns and walking in circles at times.

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