They're Getting Closer

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~OMG MY ENGLISH TEACHER SAID THAT IM A GOOD WRITER!!!! We're doing these story things about an experience in our lives and he was looking over my outline (that I instead made a rough draft because my brain doesn't work that way) and he said that I'm a good writer and that everything I was doing was good. Heck yeah. TW-> panic attack/mental breakdown thing


Dream sits outside near the animal pens, he had just fed them and was currently petting the not yet completely healed attic fox. He's home alone given that Techno had taken Toua hunting a few hours ago.

Dream stands up once the sun is about to start setting. He says goodbye to the animals before going inside and sitting on the couch.

He's only there a few seconds before he gets bored, needing something to do, he walks into the storage room where he decides to rummage through the chests in hopes of finding something.

He catches something out of the corner of his eye as he moves to the third chest, having already checked the first two.

Dream chooses not to look twice at what he may or may not have seen and continues to look through the chest.

His head snaps up when he hears a creak coming from the furthest corner. That's when he sees it. Another one of those creatures crawling down from a higher up chest. This wasn't his imagination. It was real. It was more real that before he'd talked to Toua. This one had caused sound.

Dream drops whatever it is he's holding, causing it to shatter on the ground, reminding him it was an empty glass bottle.

His hands start to shake as he tries to make his feet move, this one moving faster than the others, given the light wasn't turned on making the only light being by the door where it comes through from the living room.

Dream is finally able to move his feet. He shakily backs out of the room, much slower than he'd like to.

As the creature makes its way to the door, it slows, allowing Dream to run into the couch before it's hand touches the floor outside of the storage room.

Dream jumps when he hits the couch, causing him to look away for a second. When he looks back the creature is an arms length away, reaching out to him.

"Ah!" Dream screams, scrambling over the couch and over to the front door, all without his gaze leaving the creature.

He backs up into the door as the creature climbs over the couch. He turns the handle and falls onto his back, his eyes leaving the creature once more.

He curls up into a ball, not wanting to see how close it had gotten. He wished so badly that the others were there. He wished he could be saved.


He feels something touch his shoulder causing him to scream and back up, not opening his eyes. It's weird... he couldn't hear his own scream.

There are muffled voices, one sounding closer than the other. He slowly opens one eyes, just a bit. His vision is blurry and the colors are all muted, but he can make out pink on the person closest to him, and blue and purple on the person further away.

He closes his eyes again, not liking the fact that they had no faces.

"-eam. It's okay now. I'm here. It's gone." The person closest to him says. He could only barely make out the first part.

He doesn't say anything, just curls further into himself, not opening his eyes. He feels a hand on his arm that is wrapped around his knees that his face in buried in.

"It's okay now. I'm not gonna hurt you, baby. You're safe now." The same person says, the voice becoming familiar.

Dream lifts his head, opening his eyes to see Technoblade. He feels relief wash over him and, before he knows it, he's got his arms wrapped around Techno's shoulders, straddling the piglin hybrid's lap. Said piglin hybrid is on his knees, sitting back on his heels, almost falling backwards with the force of the hug.

"You're safe now. I've got you." Techno whispers, holding Dream tightly to him, the other's tears soaking into the shoulder of his shirt.

Dream feels a little pat on his shoulder before he's hugged kind of from behind but slightly to the side. He looks over Techno's shoulder and sees Toua's tail wrapped around Techno's lower back. He looks back and sees a black cat ear sticking out of curly purple and blue hair. He then hears her purring, further calming him.

They stay like that, out in the snow for several minutes more.


~I didn't update for two days. My bad *whips and nae naes* also this takes place the day after the last chapter. Techno called Dream 'baby'!!!!! That was the whole inspiration for this chapter ngl... (not irl he didn't by in the story and I had the idea of just that concept and this chapter was born) also, family hugs (I'm not crying you are) also this is a shorter chapter but like. It's cute so deal with it. Bitch. Love you my lovlies. I'm going to the state fair today so like pog. I haven't been in a several years (like haven't actually gone) and I'm excited because I'm going with my cousin and my uncle. Hope you enjoyed :)

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