Snow. Just snow... Almost just snow.

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Hi! Back at it again at crispy cream. aNYWAYS! (I'm not gonna fix that lowercase *_*) Also... longer chapter pog? Also if you find any mistakes please point them out because I don't notice everything... Enjoy, my lovlies. OH! also lets pretend that Dream grew up in a dessert biome, explaining why he's never seen snow before *insert thumbs up*


As the open field of snow came into view Dream stopped dead in his tracks. Techno looked back and saw pure joy written all over Dream's face.

Before Techno can ask why Dream stopped, Dream is running towards the snow. Technoblade watches as Dream cautiously steps into the white see of snow.

Techno watches curiously as Dream slowly picks some of the snow  up in his hands and inspects it. Dream then throws the snow up in the air and laughs contently as it falls back down on him.

As Dream continues to play gleefully, Technoblade crosses his arms loosely while leaning his shoulder on a tree and watches. He takes time to take in how happy Dream is. He's never seen Dream be happy like he is now.

Suddenly, Techno gets hit by a snowball. He looks at Dream, who's got a mischievous look on his face, with a shocked expression. Dream brings his arm up and throws another snowball at Technoblade.

"Oh it's on." Techno says, bending down and making a snowball that Dream dodges flawlessly.

Their snowball fight lasts until the sun is only half visible, and the sky is a mix of orange and yellow.


"Woah!" Dream yelps, tripping over his own feet while dodging a snowball. He fell, in a way that can only be explained as, 'less than gracefully'. Dream started laughing as Techno walked over to where he now sat on the ground. He extends his hand to Dream, who takes it, and helps him up.

"It's almost dark, we should go inside." Techno says.

"Okay." Dream says, still laughing at himself.

Technoblade lets go of Dream's hand, that he was still holding, as they walk up to his house in a less than comfortable silence.

Dream plops himself down on Techno's red couch as Techno walks to the kitchen to get some food.

"I have some left over potato soup I can reheat if you'd like some!" Technoblade yells from the kitchen.

"Yes please." Dream says, his stomach growling at the thought of eating something other than raw meat.

Dream takes a look around as he waits. He notices the dark brown, cream, and red color scheme right away. There's a fireplace across from the couch he was sitting on, it wasn't too far away maybe six feet at least. The room he was in wasn't very big, just enough space for a couch in the middle and some walking space around it. There was a red rug on the floor between the couch and the fireplace. There were two doors to his right, one being a bathroom and the other, he assumed, was a bedroom; only one of the doors were open.

He looked behind himself and saw another door to the left of the archway that led to the kitchen. He could only see a small portion of the kitchen from where he sat, but it didn't look very big either.

When Techno walked back into the living/entry area with two bowls of potato soup in his hands, Dream's eyes lit up, somehow getting even more bright. Techno took note of this.

"Haven't eaten anything in a while, have ya?" Technoblade asks, sitting on the other end of the couch from Dream.

Dream shakes his head, already having taken several bites in the few seconds that it took Techno to sit down and ask the question. "Only raw meat." He said, slightly muffled by the hand in front of his mouth covering the food still in it.

"Mmh..." Techno nods, causing them to fall into a slightly awkward silence due to the fact that Dream is apparently a very loud eater.


"So... what's the last thing you remember? Before waking up in the forest." Technoblade asks, having set his bowl in the sink. They were both in the kitchen, having finished eating a few minutes ago.

"Well... I remember falling off of a roof and then waking up in the forest." Dream says, leaning against the island.

"Falling off a roof... Okay... What roof?" Techno asks, continuing to wash the dishes he hadn't done in a week or two.

"My friend's roof!" Dream says excitedly as if he were just now remembering this. "We were playing tag and I climbed on the roof and he followed me up there where he came really close to catching me before I tripped... I tripped over my own feet and fell. I don't remember anything after that..." Dream tells this story as if he were a little kid telling their mom about the amazing imaginary adventure they had just been on.


"Sapnap! Oh my god! I forgot about Sapnap! How could I forget about Sapnap?!" Dream says loudly. "Sapnap is my best friend. We've been friends since we were really young. We're basically brothers."

"Hmm..." Techno hums, now turned around and leaning on the counter across from Dream.

"What? What's wrong?" Dream asks, concerned, seeing the negative change in Technoblade's expression.

"Nothing, nothing..." Techno says dismissively, his face retaking the mostly expressionless form it's usually in. "How long ago do you think that was?"

Dream gives Techno a skeptical look before answering. "Hmm..." He thinks for a moment. "I think I was maybe seven or eight, I'm not quite sure." Dream says, to which Techno's eyes go wide in shock. "What?" Dream asks.

"Seven?!" Technoblade says, shocked.

"Umm... Maybe..." Dream says, slightly concerned at Techno's shock.

"Seven..." Techno says quieter, still in shock.

"Why is it such a big deal? It couldn't have been that long ago." Dream says.

"Dream. You're twenty-one now." Now Dream's eyes go wide in shock.


~So that happened... I'm currently writing this during my online classes because I may or may not be failing all the classes I have at the start of the day. Not math though because math is cool! Don't follow in my footsteps. Pay attention in your classes. I know it can be hard to sometimes but I promise you'll thank yourself for paying attention when you don't have to do summer school:( anyways I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, don't know when the next one will be out. Might be tomorrow, might be a week from now. Idk. :)

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