Yet another meeting

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~I won't be updating Wednesday (tomorrow) or Thursday (the day after tomorrow) I might on Friday (three days from now) probably not Saturday and maybe Sunday (even though I don't update on Sundays but since I won't be for three days then...) Idk we'll just see how it goes.


"Okay. Where shall we start?" Phil asks, sitting in a chair between the two sides.

"With how that sheep is responsible for the disappearance-" Techno starts before Dream hits him on the arm and cuts him off.

"Let's start with when Puffy found out that Eret was missing." Dream says.

"Alright. Puffy, please stand and present your information." Phil says, to which Puffy stands and takes a few steps away from the table.

"It was around 8:00am when I first checked on him. He would usually be up, eating breakfast, by this time. I didn't want to disturb his alone time, so I went off to patrol the rest of the castle. I passes his room several times before I heard a loud noise, only one noise though. This was around noon and I was a few floors below his room. I rushed up and knocked on the door. I asked if he was okay because I assumed he had fallen or something.

When there was no answer, I opened the door and found the room in shambles. I searched frantically for him, trying not to disturb the room anymore than it was already. I then searched the rest of the castle three times over then went and found Tubbo." Puffy says, hands gripping the back of the chair she had previously been sitting in.

Techno still sat with his arms crossed, slouching, looking extremely uninterested. Dream was trying to pay attention, but that thing at the back of his mind was really making things like that difficult. Phil was taking the information in, nodding.

"Okay, now... Techno state your case of why you think this was her." Phil says.

Techno stands as Puffy sits. He starts slowly making his way around the table, walking in circles as he talks.

"First, I have a question to ask you, Phil." Techno says. Phil nods. "Did you know about the state of that room before seeing it yourself?"

"No." Phil says.

Techno nods in a cocky manner. "Okay... Firstly, she told no one about that room. Did you even tell Tubbo about it?" 

Puffy shakes her head 'no'.

"Mhm... One would think that would be the first thing someone, who didn't do it, would tell someone." Techno says. "You wanted to see if someone knew about the state of the room without you knowing they'd seen it, right?" Puffy nods. "That's a horrible plan. Someone would ask to see the room, or search the castle and they would find out about it and put you in the suspicious position you deserve to be in." Techno says in a harsh tone.

"Not only those reasons, but while you were telling that lie of a story, you were gripping the back of that chair very tightly. Not to mention the floor around you has fur all over it now. Didn't you say you 'tend to shed when you're stressed'? Why are you so stressed right now? Huh?" Techno asks.

"I'm stressed because the king is gone." Puffy says.

"So you're only just now stressed? Or have you been leaving a trail of fur this whole time, that I haven't been able to see?" Puffy visibly tenses. "That's what I thought. I rest my case." Techno says, sitting back down, propping one leg up on the other and leaning his head on his hand that's elbow in leaning on the armrest closest to Dream.

Phil looks at Puffy, observing her body language. 

"Seems like you're guilty." Phil says in a dark tone. 

Puffy starts to stand but Phil, who's closer to the door, gets up and blocks it. Techno stands and picks his ax that was laying on the table in front of him. Dream stays sitting, brain completely blank.

"You're not going anywhere." Phil says, crossing his arms.

Techno takes Dream's ax out of the holder for on his back and tosses it to Phil, who catches it and holds it at the ready.

"Drop the sword, Puffy." Techno says.

Puffy looks between the two with a glare before throwing the sword on the table.

"Ahh!" Dream screams out of nowhere. Techno whips around, seeing Dream on the floor, back pressed against the wall of windows, looking at something under the table.

Techno bends down slowly, looking under the table. He sees nothing. He looks back at Dream who's pointing right beside Techno's head. Techno looks at where Dream in pointing. He reaches his hand out and touches nothing.

"But-" Dream says. "There- wha-"

Techno looks at Dream questioningly. Dream stands back up, still leaning against the wall.

"There was a- a- thing... A thing." Dream says.

"What thing?" Phil asks, taking a step away from the door.

"Like... A big... creature. Like... It was on all fours and its fingers were all bendy and weird... It had a huge smile that stretched across its face and its eyes were just empty sockets. It was like, a dark grey color... But- but when you put your hand through it, it like... disappeared." Dream says, sounding frantic and scared.

"That-" The door could be heard creaking as Techno starts to speak.

"Nope." Phil says, slamming the door shut on Puffy's left hand.

"Ah-" Puffy yells in pain.

"Shut up." Techno says. "You don't have the right to yell in pain." This gains a shocked look from Phil. "What?" Techno asks.

"Nothing." Phil says.

"Did you kill Eret? Was that his blood?" Techno asks, glaring at the sheep hybrid who was holding her broken hand.

"N-no. He's not d-dead." Puffy says.

"Where is he?" Phil asks.

"I'll show you." Puffy says, tearing off her right sleeve and wrapping it around her hand. 

"Where are you taking us?" Techno asks.

"Somewhere dangerous where we're bound to die." Puffy says. "Follow me. We need a few things before going."

"You're just going to switch sides like that?" Phil asks. 

"I'm not switching sides." Puffy says through her teeth. "I'm using survival skills."

Techno rolls his eyes, taking Dream's hand in his as they follow close behind Puffy, following her down several levels, to the basement.


~What the heck just happened? I have to go to dance camp so that's why I probably won't be updating for a while... sad. I also have to go to a funeral for someone I really just don't care about (my mom's bitch of a husband's father) what can I say... It's hard for me to feel remorse. I think I'd only be sad about two people in the entire world's deaths, and one of them is a cat. I'm not gonna lie. I'm probably a psychopath. ANYWAYS! hope you enjoyed. :)

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