Fundithmite. (Why is that his full first name in this story i swear...)

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~Sorry I haven't updated recently... stress and shit you know... anyways- TW->implied bad parenting/abuse and fighting heard by someone who can't hear the whole conversation


"He-hello?" Fundy asks, opening his front door and rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Good morning, Fundy." Wilbur says, taking a step through the door.

"Morning, Fundy." Phil says, following behind the tall brunet.

"Hello?" Fundy says, more to Phil than to Wilbur, and also more as a question than a greeting.

"How are you doing this morning, Fundithmite?" Wilbur asks, from the kitchen where he was currently going through Fundy's fridge. (seriously why did I choose that as Fundy's full first name?)

"Fine." Fundy says, trying not to sound cold towards who most saw as his father. "What are you two doing here?" He asks.

"Phil wanted to visit you with me, and he also wanted to talk to me about something so I thought why don't we kill two birds with one stone?" Wilbur says, drinking straight from the milk carton before putting it back in the fridge.

"I also wanted to talk to you." Phil says, turning towards the youngest of the three.

"Oh?" Fundy asks.

"Make that three birds." Wilbur says, also taking a piece off of a block of cheese.

Fundy watches Wilbur through his peripheral (fun fact my left eye's peripheral is blurry... no one knows why, it just is.) not wanting to look fully at him.

"Well..." Phil says, looking at Wilbur expectantly while also scolding the man with his eyes, and only his eyes, the rest of his face not showing any change, for taking food that wasn't his without asking.

"Right." Wilbur says, wiping his hands on the sides of his pants. "We'll use the spare bedroom." He says before starting to walk towards the spare bedroom.

"If that's okay with you." Phil says, in a voice directed at Wilbur.

"Wait-" Fundy says, before covering his mouth, seeing the look that Wilbur gives him. "Umm... Can I check the room before you go in there?" He asks for permission despite it being his house.

"Go ahead. It's your house." Wilbur says, motioning his hand for Fundy to go.

"Okay..." Fundy says, hurriedly walking past the older before poking his head into the spare bedroom that Davin had been using as a bedroom. He sees no one in there, so he opens the door fully and steps back. "Okay."

"Thank you, Fundith." Wilbur says, walking past the other.

"Thank you." Phil says, closing the door behind him.

Fundy tries to ignore the yells that are divided by what seems like complete silence while he cooks himself some dinner but it's hard.

"Are you fucking insane?!" He would hear one or the other yell, followed by silence. The occasional "Phil! This is..." or "Wilbur, you fucking idiot!" There were occasional thuds on the wall as well, most likely one of them hitting it with their fist.

When he's already finished his breakfast he hears the door click open and he sees two peaceful humans emerge from the small hallway.

"Alright." Wilbur says, sitting on the bed.

"Alright." Phil says before looking over at Fundy. "Can I speak with you now?" He asks.

"Uh- sure." Fundy says, getting up quicker than necessary.

He follows Phil to his own bedroom, where he's sat down by Phil pushing lightly on his shoulders. The older man then crouches in front on him, giving him a serious looking face.

"Umm... What-" Fundy starts to say.

"Is he good to you?" Phil asks, only genuine concern flooding through his words.

"Umm..." Fundy says, not knowing how to react, his brain stuttering. "What do you mean?"

"Does Will treat you right?" Phil asks, already knowing the answer, but wanting to hear it from the younger before he took action.

"Y-yeah..." Fundy says. "I mean sometimes he yells, but it's nothing I can't handle." He adds quickly.

"Do you feel safe around him?" Phil asks.

"Y-" Fundy starts but is interrupted by the threat of tears falling. "Yeah." 

Phil gives him a skeptical look. He takes a deep breath before continuing. "Are you sure?"

Fundy hesitates, far longer than he should've, he sees the look in Phil's eyes change, telling him so. "Yes. I'm sure." Fundy says in a much more confident voice than he'd expected to.

Phil's face is overcome with shock, obviously not having expected that response. "If you're one hundred percent sure it's just some parent-ly yelling..." Phil says.

Fundy nods, not wanting to say anything more.

"Are you fine with him coming over here?" Phil asks.

Fundy nods again.

"Okay..." Phil says, starting to get up. "Then I won't interfere with anything, if you think everything is fine, then I'll say that everything is alright, for now." He says, offering his hand to the fox hybrid.

Fundy nods again, taking his grand father's hand and standing up.

"Tell me if he does anything to you." Phil says into the younger's ear before dragging the other over to the door and opening it. "Well, I'll be on my way. Don't want to leave the children unsupervised for too long." Phil says, walking over to the front door.

"Have fun." Wilbur says. 

"You're coming with me." Phil says. "I'm not dealing with them alone."

"What?" Wilbur asks, sitting up.

"I just told you, what." Phil says, opening the door. "It was lovely seeing you, Fundy." He says as Wilbur stands up to follow the older.

"Alright. Bye, Fundy." Wilbur says, throwing a pair of keys at the younger.

"What-" Fundy yelps, somehow catching the skinny objects.

"My house keys, thought you should have some." Wilbur says before closing the door behind him and Phil.


"What the hell happened here?!" Phil yells in shock, Wilbur suppressing a laugh behind him. He had come home to a completely wrecked living room with three children throwing things at each other; well, two children throwing things at each other and a tall enderman hybrid being caught in the cross fire.


~I actually wrote a chapter that applies to this arc. God... I keep going off on little branches that don't really apply to this arc by it's whatever. Ha *lip bite* anyways... I kinda want to go back through all the chapters and proofread them. Not today though. Hope you enjoyed my beautiful lovelies :)

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