Brotherly Banter

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~Don't question the last chapter's title aight. Bet.


"Now you can help rebuild L'Manburg, yeah?" Tubbo asks, setting the bag, he was carrying, on the floor.

"Sure... Whatever..." Techno says, handing Dream some animal food.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" Dream asks, offendedly

"Feed the animals." Techno says in a bored and uninterested monotone voice.

"Ugh." Dream complains, walking through the front door and to the side of the house.

"Good!" Tubbo says louder than he'd meant to. "Sorry..." He says, covering his mouth at the annoyed look Techno was giving him.

"Should we head back now or wait until morning?" Tommy asks, looking out of the, still open, front door at the ever darkening sky.

"Y'all aren't staying the night." Techno says as Dream walks back inside.

"But a sleep over would be fun!" Ghostbur says.

"No." Techno says.

"Oh... You had other plans tonight. Didn't you?" Ghostbur says, rubbing his shoulder against Techno's shoulder for emphasis.

"No." Techno says in the same uninterested tone. "I'd like you guys to not stay here."

"Aww..." Ghostbur and Tommy say at the same time.

"Let's go. It's a shorter walk from here than the other place." Techno says, ushering the intruders of his domain out of the house.

"Why are you so pouty?" Dream asks, leaning closer to Techno and whispering.

"Because you promised." Techno whispers back.

"Maybe when we get there depending on where we're staying." Dream says.

"Maybe what?" Ghostbur asks, his face very close to the other two people's faces. 

"What the fuck?" Dream jumps in surprise.

"The heck, Ghostbur?" Techno says.

"What? I was just curious what you two were whispering about." Ghostbur says.

"Personal space, Ghostbur. Personal space." Techno says.

"Sorry..." Ghostbur says. "I was just curious."

"I know, but there's this thing called: privacy. Something you need to relearn." Techno says.

"I don't like secrets." Ghostbur says.

"I know you don't, but there are some people who'd like to keep somethings secret." Techno says.

"I don't want to learn." Ghostbur says.

"You're going to have to." Techno says.

"I don't wanna." Ghostbur says, crossing his arms.

"Too bad, bitch!" Tommy says, joining the conversation out of no where.

"Hey! I'm a curious ghost who doesn't like secrets. Let me live my... life?" Ghostbur says.

"Don't care." Tommy says. "Hey! Hey. Guess what."

"What?" Ghostbur asks, oblivious.

"I didn't ask." Tommy says, bursting into laughter causing Tubbo to laugh as well. Jack, Techno, and Dream just look at each other, confused by the chaos that has suddenly unfolded.

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