A Burst of Energy

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~So I said something yesterday that I thought was very funny: I was being an airplane (you know... as you do) and I was having a fake conversation with someone who doesn't exist (you know... as you do) and I said "I'm an airplane" and they said "no your not" then my tics said "yeah I am" quite aggressively and then we both laughed and then I was going to take a drink of my Diet Pepsi because I'm addicted and I said "we're all airplanes in the airplane au" then I cracked up and ended up on the floor... that's all... that's what I found extremely hilarious... anyways... TW-> mentions of knives and mentions of threatening with said knives.


Techno walks alongside Dream after the meeting. They were on their way to retrieve Toua from the supervision of Techno's somewhat enemy's children; his brothers, technically.

Techno glances over a Dream when the masked man's shoulder makes contact with his. At first he'd thought Dream was falling but then he saw that Dream was about to do it again, so he must have just wanted to get his attention.

"What?" Techno asks, sounding more concerned than he'd wanted to sound.

Dream just bumps his shoulder against his again, keeping his head forwards.

Techno stops walking and watched a as Dream takes a few more steps before going to hit his shoulder again but instead hitting nothing but air and stumbling a bit.

Dream recovers quickly and then looks back at Techno, somehow portraying a feeling of mock betrayal through his mask.

Techno crossed his arms and raises an eyebrow.

Dream walks up to him and moves his mask to the side, suddenly becoming hyper aware of the fact they were in the middle of a walking path.

The masked individual then grabs the piglin hybrid's wrist and pulls him into the nearest alley way between buildings.

"What?" Techno asks after a few moments of Dream just leaning against the wall and staring at him with a smile on his freckled face.

"Nothing." Dream says, continuing to stare.

Techno looks away, then back at Dream, before repeating this a few more times, each time trying to silently ask what the hell was going on with the other.

Dream then places his hand at the back of Techno's neck and pulls him into a soft kiss, moving their lips together slowly.

Techno places his hands gently on Dream's lower back, pulling him ever so slightly closer.

"Just wanted a moment with you." Dream says after they break the kiss, his hands now on Techno's chest.

Techno turns them around so that he's leaning against the wall and Dream is against him. "I think they can wait a little longer then." He says in a voice only slightly louder than a  whisper.

Dream smiles and connects their lips again, this time less reserved. (Idk if that's the right word, it's too late to care)


As Dream and Techno approach the house that belongs to the bird man, they hear the screams of Tommy emitting from within the home.

They look at each other before walking up to the door where Techno knocks, dropping Dream's hand in the process.

The door opens to reveal a half ghast, half enderman who jumps at the sight of the two.

Toua then quickly slips out through the small opening between Ranboo and the door frame and is soon behind Dream, looking in the opposite direction of the house, arms crossed.

Techno gives a single nod to Ranboo before turning and walking away, hearing the door shut right after Tommy can be heard asking why he couldn't see 'the blade'.

"Did you have fun?" Dream asks, looking to his right at the cat hybrid who walked beside him, arms still crossed.

She nods, looking in the other direction.

"What happened?" Dream asks, getting concerned by Toua's closed off demeanor.

Toua shakes her head, knowing Dream would be disappointed in her actions against the blonde.

Dream glances at Techno for a second before looking back at Toua.

"Did they do something to you?" Dream asks.

"No. It's what I did." Toua says, looking at Dream.

"What did you do?" Dream asks, concerned.

"Knives, threatening..." Toua says, a half smile making its way onto her face. "All that good stuff."

"What?!" Dream asks, almost in a yell but not quite.

Techno places a hand on his shoulder to try and calm him down.

"That's why I didn't tell you." Toua says, tail whipping behind her.

"Ahigbknighwh- a knife? A. Knife?" Dream asks, stuttering nonsense at the start.

"Yeah." Toua says, no emotion readable.

"Oooo, knives... poggers! What did we say about saying that word?! Shut up! Tommy lowkey deserves it, not gonna lie. Knives are fun. Especially combined with threatening. Especially the threatening of children. Too bad they weren't orphans... damn. You win some you loose some... what are you guys talking about?! This is unacceptable! Techno! Tell her that threatening people isn't okay! Aye! Reasonable voice! Shut up! Yeah! This is Techno, blood god, Blade we're talking about here. Knives are fun. You said that already. Knives are fun."

"Just- don't- try not to do that again. Just not to the other children." Dream says as Techno comes back to listening to reality.

"Fine..." Toua says, rolling her eyes and recrossing her arms.

"If it helps... the voices are okay with it." Techno says. "Well... all but one."

"Well that one is right." Dream says, walking ahead of the other two as they approach the horses.

"He's in parent mode." Techno says in a hushed voice, taking a sideways step and leaning down a bit towards Toua who smiles.


~Dreamnoblade content, my beloved. Also parent mode Dream, my beloved. Also my mom is cool with the name Venn so that's cool. I refer to my birth given name as my name1 which I'm still cool with but I also wanted to introduce the name Venn so I did by writing it on a chalk board that usually has my name1 written on it and now my mom knows I like the name Venn and she's cool with it. Anyways... hope you enjoyed:)

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