Oh my god... ANOTHER person is missing.

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~I wanna cosplay as Techno but I think my mom would think I'm weird... She doesn't even know I watch youtube... ANywaYs... Why did I just now, today find out Techno once said "uwu"? Why was this information not in my hands? Who let me not know this? Speak up.


"Stay here. Going back is a lot of walking and I'm exhausted." Dream says.

Techno nods, leading the two of them towards the houses they had stayed at earlier that week.

They enter the same house as before, Dream flops on the couch before Techno even closes the door.

"No, get up. You're sleeping in a bed." Techno says, pulling Dream back onto his feet and dragging him over to the stairs.

"Carry me." Dream says, doing the grabby hands towards Techno, who was a few steps up already.

Techno looks at him for a second. "No." He says, continuing up the stairs.

"Please?" Dream begs, pulling against Techno, who still had a grip on his forearm.

"No. You can walk." Techno says.

"Please? I won't go up these stairs unless you do." Dream says, pulling his arm from Techno's grasp and crossing them across his chest, pouting.

"Fine." Techno says, walking down the stairs and scooping Dream up, bridal style. Dream smiles contently with getting his way, wrapping his arms around Techno's shoulders and burying his face in the other's neck.

Technoblade doesn't set Dream nicely on the bed, he drops the man, causing him to flail for a second before hitting the mattress.

Techno laughs at Dream's reaction, walking over to the other side of the bed, taking his shirt off and tossing it on the floor before getting under the covers, facing away from Dream.

"What was that for?" Dream asks, sitting up and looking over at the piglin hybrid. 

"You deserved it." Techno says.

"You dick." Dream says, pushing Techno's shoulder lightly before taking off the red hoodie he'd stolen from Techno and his mask, laying down, and wrapping his arm around Techno's waist, spooning him. "I love you." Dream whispers in Techno's ear in a sing-song voice, biting the ear lightly.

"Mmm... love you, too." Techno says, scooting back, further into Dream's chest.

Dream smiles, burying his face in the back of Techno's neck after moving the hair out of the way so he wasn't inhaling it.


Techno woke to the feeling of something hitting his head. It wasn't anything hard, but it wasn't pleasant.

"Wake- the fuck- up- bitch!" Techno hears a familiar voice say.

Techno puts his hand up and shields his face lazily, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with the other.

"Get up. Get- up. Ge-t... Up!" Dream says, raising his voice, getting impatient.

"Yeah, yeah, what's so important that I've gotta get up right now?" Techno asks in a monotone and slightly annoyed tone.

"Phil's here to see you. So get- the fuck- Up!" Dream says, still hitting Techno with the pillow.

"Quit hittin' me and I'll be able to get up." Techno says, grabbing the pillow and yanking it out of the masked man's hands.

"Hey..." Dream says, wanting the pillow back.

Techno keeps a hold of the pillow as he stands up, picks his shirt up, and puts it back on. He then throws the pillow at Dream, causing the other to fall back on the bed from the force behind the pillow.

Techno then walks out of the room, the pillow hitting the back of his knees as he walks through the doorway. He walks down the stairs and sees Phil standing at the bottom of them.

"Hello." Techno says in a slightly hostile tone, walking down the stairs.

"I've just gotten word from Tubbo that Eret has gone missing. They're trying to keep it under wraps so people don't start panicking." Phil says.

"They're- omg..." Techno says, sighing, more annoyed than concerned.

"What if he-" Phil starts to say, but is cut off by Techno.

"How long has Eret been gone?" He asks, pulling his hair back into a low ponytail.

"Umm... Tubbo was informed, by Puffy, last night around midnight. They came to ask me about it because I was one of us that was there in the library." Phil says.

"How did you know we were here?" Techno asks, glaring at the other.

"I saw you, while Tubbo and Puffy were at my house." Phil says. "Why aren't you focusing on the problem at hand?" 

"I am, internally." Techno says, listening to his voices.

"We were talking about those creatures, maybe they took Eret. Maybe, but lets be reasonable... Maybe, is a person took them, they would have, maybe, taken them to those creatures. We don't even know if that's what was in the woods, let alone all the over here. Maybe Eret's dead. That would be poggers. Oh my god, never say 'poggers' again. Make me, bitch. Fuck you. Shut the hell up, bitch (The one and only Dr. Phil {Philza?}) Let's get back on track, guys. Whatever. Maybe we provoked those creatures and now they're going to take us. That would be fun. Unless we die. Still fun. I wanna see them close us, get all close and personal. Just say you want to have sex with it. I DON'T WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH IT! I just want to get to know it better. That voice wants to fuck the creatures. I DO NOT! I think they do. SHUT UP!"

Techno stops listening as they starts veering further and further off track, looking at Phil who was just standing there, waiting for Techno to say something. The two of them had been silent for a few minutes now.

"They think it was the creatures, or something relevant to that." Techno says. "He could've just... Went out on an adventure or somethin'... went on vacation."

"Without telling anyone?" Phil asks.

"I mean... could've..." Techno says, shrugging. "I don't know, I'm just trying to think."

"I am too, Techno. I am too." Phil says.

"Where's Wilbur? Have you been keeping an eye on him?" Techno asks, slightly annoyed.

"Yes. He's at my house. He was there the whole time. I didn't let him out of mine, or my sons' sight." Phil says.

"I guess we have to go on another search around town. Gotta actually talk to people..." Techno says in an unenthusiastic voice.


~I've choked on my own hair because I inhaled it. It wasn't pleasant o_0 Anyways... Hope you enjoyed. I didn't proofread this so... deal with it. I haven't proofread since that one time I did... Stay safe my lovlies. It would make me rather sad if y'all were to get hurt. Love you (❤ ω ❤) :)

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