Another Villain and More Yelling

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~The song Sticky by The Main is a good song, muchly recommend. So is Welcomes The Pressure by Sir Sly. Listen to it. Just listen to my playlist (search "yes... alex beardy" on youtube and it'll be there it has 613 songs so far). Also, if my calculations are correct, then this is the timeline so far, dis-cluding this chapter. 


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"Are they loud again?" Dream asks, turning his head to look at Techno. They had been silently laying in bed for the past two and a half hours. Dream had fallen a sleep and woken up again to Techno still being awake. They were both laying on their backs, arms touching.

"Hmm?" Techno asks, having zoned out and given into the persistence of the voices in his head. He'd been talking to them for about an hour now.

"Are they loud?" Dream asks again, turning on his side to better face Techno.

"Not so much loud as they are insistent for me to listen." Techno says, looking at Dream.

Dream nods, cuddling into the pillow he was half hugging, half using as a pillow. "What do you usually do to keep them under control?"

"Do something that distracts me." Techno says, looking back at the ceiling.

"I know something that'll distract you..." Dream says, muffled by the pillow.

"I think we both need some sleep." Techno says. "As much as I'd like to." He adds.

"I don't wanna sleep, and you can't. So why not?" Dream asks, obviously very tired and in need of sleep.

"I don't know if it's the lack of sleep or what, but you're making sense." Techno says, rubbing his face with his hands.

"I always make sense." Dream says, half asleep now.

Techno smiles as he starts to hear Dream's quiet snores. Techno closes his eyes and tries to block out the voices to no avail. He lays there the rest of the night, eyes closed, listening to what the voices are saying.


"Do you know how to fight, Ranboo?" Tommy asks as they're tending to the small farm that Tommy had made.

"Not really. I know how to swing a sword in a way to hurt someone though." Ranboo says, looking up from the potato he had just pulled out of the ground.

"I'll teach you how to. I am the best at everything I do." Tommy says, putting his hand over his heart in a proud way.

Ranboo just laughs at Tommy's cockiness, going back to pulling and planting potatoes.


"You never said who took you memory..." Eret says. They were in the kitchen with Ghostbur while Techno was out cutting down trees in anger and Phil was searching the surrounding area for any sign of his son.

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