Eret is Free

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~"They canonically had sex on the kitchen counter." -Me while I was writing this. I may or may not have had an identity crisis while writing this regarding my gender identify but it's still the same as what's on my profile so it's okay. 



"No time to talk. You need to get out of here before they do something to you. You're in danger and I know where you can go. Go to my house and stay with Ranboo. If he doesn't remember what I've told him, follow the crows. Help them, Eret."

"What do you-"

"I'll distract them while you leave. Be safe and don't get caught."




Phil was walking up to the castle. He had left everything at his house before he left. He had just one invis potion that he had just taken. He was moving swiftly and quietly. He had to find Eret as soon as possible.

He opened several doors in search of the king. He had gotten less and less stealthy with his actions as the minutes passed. His invis was wearing off and he had so much more to search through.

He burst through a door and saw the king standing in front of a mirror getting ready for bed.

"Phil-" The king had started.

"No time to talk. You need to get out of here before they do something to you. You're in danger and I know where you can go. Go to my house and stay with Ranboo. If he doesn't remember what I've told him, follow the crows. Help them, Eret." Phil says frantically as the invis completely wore off.

"What do you-"

"I'll distract them while you leave. Be safe and don't get caught."

"Phil-" Eret tries to stop the man while also trying to figure out what he's talking about.

"Now!" Phil yells before running out of the room, leaving Eret in a state of shock.

Eret started to throw things into a bag that they thought they'd need.


"You!" Sam yells. "You're the one who let Ghostbur out! Aren't you?!" His anger can be rather explosive at times, the cause for the creeper persona.

"Exactly!" Phil yells, running in the opposite direction of the man.

"What's going on?!" George yells.

"Him! He's the one trying to spoil our plans!" Sam says. "Tell the others. I'll keep him in my sights."

George nods before running off to get the others.

"You can't run forever, Phil!" Sam yells.

"Neither can you!" Phil yells over his shoulder.

"You don't know your way around this castle! You'll hit a dead end eventually!" Sam yells as Phil turns a corner that Sam knows leads to a dead end.

"Will I now?" Phil says, nearing the dead end.

"Look at you now! Not so cocky anymore are ya?!" Sam says, slowing his pace.

Phil lets his wings unfold in a beautiful black silhouette behind him. Sam's eyes go wide in shock and he takes a step back.

"Not so cocky now. Are ya?" Phil says in a dark voice before shooting up in the air and flying right over Sam's head.

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