Where... did it... go?...

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~in my notes for this chapter, it started with "next morning (aka finally moving time along)" so... it's finally the next day after like... ten chapters or something. I GET TO SEE AJR IN CONCERT TONIGHT POGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!


"Ah-" Tubbo yelps, almost falling as he jumps, Tommy having jumped out at him.

"I told him not to do it." Ranboo says, standing in the middle of the room, neither of them having left the bedroom.

"Why are you guys still here?" Tubbo asks after hitting Tommy over the head. (Tubbo frappe Tommy sur le tête. {I've heard that phrase [different names] so many times in the past few days in French...})

"Sooooooo... how'd it go?" Tommy asks, ignoring the question completely.

"It wasn't a date." Tubbo says, gaining a weird look from the older teen. "It went well."

"Why'd you say it wasn't a date?" Tommy asks. "That's kind of sus if you ask me."

"Because you made it sound like I just came back from doing something with my crush or something." Tubbo says, taking the suit jacket off and throwing it on the floor, starting to unbutton his shirt, doing so unconsciously, his brain on autopilot and not realizing he was doing it.

"Yeah, sure. But what'd you guys talk about?" Tommy asks, seeing Ranboo turn his gaze away from the president out of the corner of his eye, and thus realizing what Tubbo was doing. He makes a weird face, causing the other to stop.

"What?" Tubbo asks, seeing the look Tommy was giving him.

"What are you doing? I mean like it doesn't matter, we're all men here, but like... it's kind of random." Tommy says.

"Oh, shit." Tubbo says, his face going red as he wraps the two sides of the shirt around him, having had them already fully unbuttoned and having started to take the shirt off. "Sorry."

"Anyways..." Tommy says, as the president starts to look for pajamas. "What did you two talk about?"

"I told them about the pit behind the stage and he gave me some good advice." Tubbo says, holding the shirt together with one hand and carrying the clothes in the other as he walks to the bathroom.

"What advice did good old Eret give to you, Tubbo?" Tommy asks, leaning on the wall beside the now closed bathroom door.

"They told me that I should get someone to help me check it out. So I think I'll do that in the morning, I'm tired" Tubbo says, reemerging from the bathroom at the end and jumping slightly when he sees that Tommy was right there.

"You're too jumpy, Tubs. You gotta fix that." Tommy says, laughing and flipping on the bed.

"Shut up." Tubbo says.

"We should get going, Tommy. Phil doesn't think we're staying the night." Ranboo says.

"He didn't know we were staying the night at Techno's that one time but we still did." Tommy says.

"That was different. Also he was still worried." Ranboo says.

"Ranboo's got a point." Tubbo says, sitting on the side of the bed that Tommy wasn't occupying.

"But we could have a sleep over." Tommy says.

"And I actually need sleep." Tubbo says.

"It's called a sleep over." Tommy says. "Sleep is in the name."

"Knowing you there would be no sleeping." Ranboo says.

"Hey, don't get all sassy with me, bitch." Tommy says.

"Let's go home." Ranboo says, starting to walk towards the door.

"Fine." Tommy says. "Goodnight, Tubs."

"Goodnight." Tubbo says.

"Night." Ranboo says, before closing the door behind him.


"I could've sworn there was a pit here." Tubbo says. He, Quackity, and Jack were currently standing behind the stage, where Tommy had almost fallen into the hole that was currently nowhere to be found.

"Maybe we should dig?" Jack suggests, making it sound like a question.

"That sounds like a lot of work." Quackity says. "But if we have to."

"I think it would be best." Tubbo says.

"Where exactly was it?" Jack asks, walking closer to the middle of the area.

"Be careful. That where Tommy fell in." Tubbo says.

"So... here." Quackity says, stabbing his shovel into the ground by his feet.

"Let's get to it then." Jack says, doing the same at Quackity had but picking it back up and throwing the dirt, that he had scooped up, off to the side.

The two continue digging until they reach the same depth as it was before, still nothing.

"Dig under the stage a bit." Tubbo says. "It looked like it went that way a bit. But like a small tunnel, not too high."

"Eye, eye, Mr. President." Jack says starting to dig a short tunnel.

They continue until they've gone significantly out of Tubbo's line of sight.

"I don't think there's anything here, Tubbo." Quackity says, crawling back out of the tunnel, Jack right behind him.

"Yeah, we went all the way to the other side of the stage, nothing." Jack says, dusting off the front of his pants.

"But I could've sworn there was something, and another something. There was something white doing down there." Tubbo says. "I swear. It wasn't my imagination. Tommy and Ranboo saw it, too." Tubbo says. (I keep accidentally typing 'Tanboo' and all I can think of it Rommy... •_•)

"I don't not believe you, Tubbo, but there's just nothing down here." Quackity says. "We can double check."

"Yeah. Dig up a little and maybe to the sides if you can." Tubbo says.

"Okay." Jack says, before disappearing into the tunnel once more. (Every single time I spell tunnel I mix the e and l. Every, single, time.)

Tubbo waits for the two to return, it takes about ten minutes, but they come back.

"The only thing we found was this thing." Quackity says, throwing the small trinket up to the president.

"A string?" Tubbo asks.

"Maybe it's left over from the firework show that time ago. It seems like the end of a firework to me." Jack says, climbing up to the president to look at it as well.

"Probably." Tubbo says. "But what happened to it? And why was it there?"

"The firework thing?" Quackity asks. "Because you just answered that question."

"No, the hole. I'm confused." Tubbo says.

"Oh, I don't know, man. Maybe it was dream or something. I don't know." Quackity says.

"Maybe..." Tubbo says.


~Rommy. #pog. I'm so excited to see AJR in concert. It's going to be amn't fourth concert ever and I'm so excited because right love them. Anyways... hope you enjoyed. Sorry I keep updating slowly... school and a sudden obsession with watching Mr. Beast challenge videos and not being able to stop watching them does that to a story. (I'm hilarious I just laughed at that) anyways......... I didn't leave my chapter notes in this time. *applauds self* :)

Remember ~Dreamnoblade~ pt1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt