Cages and Robes

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~I'M BACK BITCH! Where was I trying to go with this random plot line? Dance camp was fine... I definitely didn't have two panic attacks the first day and then cried on the coaches hotel room floor (while they weren't there) after one of them... Definitely didn't do that. On the bright side, I'm very sure my crush likes me. TW->blood, death of an animal, violence (like graphic)


They follow behind Puffy, Techno keeping a hold of the back of her jacket so she wouldn't run away. Dream was still uneasy, trailing behind the others, seeing things out of the corner of his eyes that make him jump and look around every once in a while. Phil stayed between the two 'groups', keeping mostly to himself, giving Dream a few concerned looks along the way.

Puff eventually leads them to the basement and into a dark storage room that seemed to only consist of a few empty shelves. She continues to the back of the room, looking at Techno so nods to Phil to tell him to take out a torch.

As the fire illuminates the back of the room, they're met with several cages of animals, mostly alive. They seemed to be organized by amount of aliveness, and age.

"What the hell is this" Techno asks.

"How about you stop asking questions and let me do this-" Puffy snaps, stopping when there's an ax at her throat. She stops breathing for a second, moving only her eyes down to look at the ax.

"Stop tellin' me to stop asking questions and maybe you'll live long enough to rot in prison." Techno says in a quiet, yet dark, voice. He pushes the ax harder against her neck, still holding the back of her jacket, glaring into her eyes, face closer than necessary, at least Dream thought so. (jealous arc)

"Okay. You can chill out, Tech. We need her alive so we can get Eret." Phil says, debating whether or not to put a hand on Techno's shoulder to pull him away from her or not. This only gains him a glare from Techno, who then looks back at Puffy before stepping back.

"Get what you need." Techno says, still not letting go of her jacket.

She walks over to a fairly young looking axolotl, taking it out of the aquarium thing it was in, and holding it in her hands.

"We need to hurry." Puffy says.

"Then go." Techno says, pushing her back, more than slightly.

She stumbles slightly (here we go again with the use of slightly) before regaining her balance and walking, faster than she usually would, out of the room, through the castle, and over towards the woods.

Before they even reach the tree line, she stops.

"Shit. We need to get something else." She says.

"You stallin'?" Techno asks.

"No. This is crucial in our survival." Puffy says.

"Can one of them go get it instead?" Techno asks, not wanting to go all the way back in again.

"There are a few, long, black, robes in my bedroom, on the second floor, at the back of my closet." She says. looking between Phil and Dream.

"Dream can you run in there and get them?" Techno asks.

Dream shakes his head rather vigorously, causing Techno to give him a confused look.

"I can go." Phil says, letting his wings unfold. "Second floor you say?" Puffy nods before Phil takes flight, flying up to the second floor of windows and looking through the glass. He stops in front of one and kicks the window aggressively, braking it before flying in and grabbing the robes and flying back down to the others.

"We need to put them on now." Puffy says.

Techno doesn't step away from her, keeping ahold of her jacket. 

"You're going to have to let go of my clothes so they don't get suspicious." She says. "I have no reason to run."

Techno gives her a look, that no one can quite read, before stepping away and taking a robe from Phil's hands, not letting Puffy out of his line of sight for even a second.

Techno motions for Puffy to lead the way, all of them having the robes on. Puffy pulls the hood up, covering most of her face; the others follow suit.

They walk through the forest, until they reach a cave system, where Puffy, once again, stops.

She holds the axolotl out in front of her before throwing it on the ground. Techno doesn't flinch like the other two do. His voices just start to get all riled up at the sound it makes.

She picks the small animal back up, and looks into it's eyes. It's still alive, just suffering greatly. (Little Disenchantment reference there, if you know you know) She tightens her grip, and they could all hear the, very audible, and loud, screech the small semi-aquatic animal lets out.

Puffy them let's go, the axolotl barely holding onto life. It lets out a small noise when she bends its head back onto its back, ending it's suffering once and for all.

She doesn't look back at the others before walking into the unlit cave. (I can not explain to you how happy writing this description has made my brain. Like... It's scary but I love it. Anyways...)


~I also drew my invisionment (I do not care that that isn't a word) of the creature with the claws...

~I also drew my invisionment (I do not care that that isn't a word) of the creature with the claws

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You can't really see the eyes but the outer half is orange and the inner half is blue... It's kind of like those things from that one Spy Kids movie, just... scarier... I am obsessed with the song Favorite Liar by The Wreaks. I'm in love with that song. I'm listening to it as we speak, or... As I write this. Hope you enjoyed :)

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